Hey guys, so here is where I'm starting to get discouraged, I asked a question on the yahoo answers french site... I was already extremely nervous but I went for it, I asked "Sont les Francais plus conservateur/de droite? en generale?" I really just wanted to ask if the country in general was conservative, I was surprised to see that most French people favored Sarkozy over Hollande, and that gay marriage is illegal in France. France is known to be the most open minded country around, and its pretty conservative in its laws, even though Hollande plans to change them soon... so I wanted to ask first hand french inhabitants. I got many good answers to the question, but the last guy told me to use a translator, and he said it in spanish; I dont speak spanish, and he kinda just dumped on my attempts to connect, its like he said "hey, I know you're not a real french person, and you suck at trying to sound like one, use a translator" I got so upset I deleted the question altogether, and it got me thinking, can I really do this on my own? what was wrong with my grammar? I cant afford classes, so in your honest opinion, what should I do to get better?