The Blog is called: MILLIONAIRES or how two brave friends left the country…
[Our guess is that they left Estonia and do their broadcasts from Scotland. They have an Edinburgh address at the top.]
Here is a translation of the blog:
March 31, 2006
First Estonian billionaire!
It’s only been eight months since our last podcast and we already have something new! And this time we don’t have guitars in (at) hand, we pulled our music from the address. In the program, Duncan Beattie’s Open Source C, Eyad Darras’s Lullabye, and Kingbenny’s Raindrops and Diamonds can be heard. The songs can be downloaded here, the whole podcast feed here. Happy listening!
[I don’t understand why they say “eight months” because really, by the dates on their website, they did the two podcasts within three days of each other. I think they are being sarcastic … It’s been such a long time… ]
Their podcast is called Miljonkast (A Millioncast – like the end of the word “broadcast”)
It sounds like they just used your song as transitional music between segments of the show.
The part with the goats and bottle opening seems like it is maybe a small advertisement for some beer??? (possibly) from their sponsor. He starts out Miljonkast is supported by … then it goes into a soundbyte with a goat. The guy says, “Catch, catch … whoever catches this knows what’s good. (We think in reference to the beer, but it could be the goat too??? or the podcast???) (We listened to several of the beginnings to the other shows and he mentions the “goat port” each time right at the beginning along with a goat sound.)
Then he has an interview with the guy that giggles a lot. [This picture was on the official link to the podcast: . Don’t know if that is the giggle guy, but I’d like to think it was. ]
Their interview had a pretty silly tone to it. They were talking about how the giggly guy wants to build a mountain bigger than Mt. Everest and he kept repeating the word colossal over and over again. They ask him what he would say to youth to inspire them to/give them courage to think big and then make it happen. Honestly, he was hard to understand with all of the giggles. At end, right before your song, the host just thanks the guest for the “very pleasant (he stresses that word) interview.” And the guest rambles and giggles a drawn out thank you as well: thank you, thank you, yes, yes.
Then your song starts in the background. They actually weren’t talking about it at all. But the way they used it, they seemed to take it as a serious piece. It matches the tone of their broadcast, a dry silliness. The sounds of your song seem consistent with the typical Estonian random/dry humor. They definitely weren’t making fun of it because they didn’t mention it at all.
Then, it goes into the identical advertisement/sponsor soundbyte as the beginning. And the last song. They seem concerned more about playing music than talking about it. They also mentioned they have a radio broadcast … don’t know, though, if they use the same feed on their radio show.
I hope that helps.