2009-04-04 04:57:46 UTC
" Woher kommt Tobias ? "
"Wo whont er? "
"Welche Sprachen spricht er? "
"Wer ist das? "
Question 1) What do the above sentences mean in English?
Question 2) Do both "Wo " and "Woher" mean "Where" ? If yes, when do I need to use the word "Wo" ? When should I use "Woher" ?
Question 3) Do both "Welcher " and "Wer" mean "What" ? If yes, when do I need to use the word "Welcher" ? When should I use "Wer" ?
Question 3) What are the difference between the German word "sagen " and "sprichen" ? When should I use the word "sagen"? When should I use " sprichen" ? In which situation?