Anything you do to learn a language is helpful, I commend you.
You will recognize some words, and within context in the story line, the actors movements sometimes can help.
You still need the basics:
pronouns, conjugations, colors, numbers, verbs, vocabulary, etc.
But that is precisely one part of how newborns, and children learn their native language, by listening. What foreign language learners miss is the interaction.
If I say, "¡Tómate la leche!" without context, you have no idea what I said to you. But now, IF I hand you a glass of milk, and put it close to your mouth and say, "¡Tómate la leche!", now you understand what I am saying, I am urging you to "Drink the milk!".
In a normal learning foreign language environment, listening and discerning what is been said, and then responding to what you heard are the last two things learned.
And that is what language immersion entails, to listen to the language and RESPOND in that language, and/or to INITIATE an interaction. The key word here is INTERACTION.