There are several Spanish words that can be translated as "table" in English. And each of those Spanish words can mean several different things.
Example: mesa can mean table (as in a piece of furniture), a table-land, plateau, a case of printer's type, fare (i.e., the food that comprises a meal), the flat part of a sword, and many other things. Check out a good Spanish-English dictionary for more details.
Likewise, tabla can mean a plank or board, a seat, a bench, a slab, a tablet, a chest, plate, index, catalog and other things.
So, as they say, "it depends."
And remember that table can mean different things in English as well: a piece of furniture, the food served at a meal, a chart or list of things, a mesa (flat-topped land formation), and other specialized defiinitions.
But, back to your original intention: I'm guessing you meant the piece of finished furniture where you eat your meals and most Spanish speakers I know would use "mesa".