2011-06-03 05:29:26 UTC
Someone can please check and correct the text i wrote?
The essentials substances in our body
Today I’m going to talk about the essentials substances.
I’m explaining the role they play in our body, what will happen if you don’t have enough of one of them and what happen if you abuse.
The protein is the basic part of our body, it’s used for everything: muscles, enzymes, cell wall,…
The deficiency of proteins is really dangerous, the body save as much as possible and so there are fewer muscles, fewer energies and difficulties in antibody production. The deficiency induces in excessive consummation of carbohydrates.
One example is Kwashiorkor, a deficiency of proteins that has the effect of swelling the stomach. The possible causes are the augmentation of osmotic flux or the enlargement of liver.
An excess of animal proteins can sicken of osteoporosis, because the accumulation of calcium is decreased. The osteoporosis is a deficiency of calcium which lead in breaking bones.
The carbohydrates are the carburant for our body, we need them to doing everything, also thinking.
The diabetes is an example of exceeding with the consummation of simple carbohydrates (likes mono and di saccharides). The insulin, the hormone which regulate the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats, is more needed and this can cause a malfunction and so the digestion of carbohydrates become hard.
Hypoglycemia is when the carbohydrates in our body are too few, the consequence is that our brain hasn’t sufficient energy to work and this can lead to coma. When there aren’t sufficient carbohydrates, our cells digest the proteins, so our muscles, tissues begin to be digested.
The lipids aren’t the culprit of our fat, not completely. Some lipids are really essential in our body and some others are dangerous. The lipids have the function of energy stocking; when we make an activity, like walking, our body utilizes first the carbohydrates which haven’t stocked in form of glycogen and then the lipids.
The lipids are really important but when abusing get fat.
The lipids saturated are dangerous for the body, they augmented the quantity of bad cholesterol (low density level) which may cause cardiovascular problems.
The lipids unsaturated are few dangerous, there are some fats like the omegas, that are essentials for the body, they help the mind, the memory, the think.
Vitamins and mineral salts:
The vitamins are really important, there are vitamins that help the synthesis of proteins, else building the retina of the eye, etc. The main are B1,2,5,6,9,12 K, E, A, D, C, PP, H
Deficiency of vitamins can make tired, can lead problems at skin, make more susceptible to diseases, get blind, problems with the bones and the calcium. The excess is either dangerous.
A deficiency of vitamin A can make blind.
The most problematic mineral salts are:
magnesium (some reactions)
calcium (bones)
chloride (gastric acid)
phosphor (rigid material)
potassium (transport active)
sodium (blooding pressure)
iron (oxygen transport)
sulfur (proteins)
iodine (thyroid)
manganese (some reactions)
Iron deficiency make anemia, a deficiency of red globules.
Magnesium deficiency make muscles crumps.
Iodine deficiency make goiter, a swelling of the neck.
Our alimentation is very important.
Some advice:
Prefer the lipids unsaturated, prefer the vegetable proteins rather than animals proteins which produce more cholesterol, introduce the calcium with vegetables because the animal’s products contain proteins that block the absorbation of calcium.
Thank you