Definitions of suppressed on the Web:
* kept from public knowledge by various means;
* manifesting or subjected to suppression; "a suppressed press"
* smothered: held in check with difficulty; "a smothered cough"; "a stifled yawn"; "a strangled scream"; "suppressed laughter"
* [[Image:AR-15_with_Trijicon_ACOG_and_Gemtech_suppressor.jpg|right|thumbnail|AR-15 with baffle suppressor ()]]
* trees with crowns below the general level of the canopy, and receiving no direct sunlight. Suppressed trees are characterized by low growth rate and low vigor due to competition with overtopping trees. See "overtopped."
* (a crown class)- Very slowly growing trees with crowns in the lower layer of the canopy and leading shoots not free. Such trees are subordinate to dominants, codominants, and intermediates in the crown canopy.
* Trees entirely below the general level of the crown cover, receiving no direct light from above or the sides (see crown classes). Syn. - overtopped.