2008-12-30 14:13:23 UTC
Whats that
is the
was the
is that
After the pronounce the S sound, it seems to conflict with my tongue position to strike between the teeth for the "Th" sound. I listen to native speakers and it sounds like "what is that --> what izzat" sounds like there is no Th sound in there. or "is the" sounds like "is zduh" . Do you native speakers when pronouncing the S sound in conjunction with the Th sound , do you stick your tongue out between the teeth. or do you guys do something different. i tried really hard practicing the sound that sounds like Zzth , but everytime my tongue just make a horribly failed hiissshing sound, or after i pronounce the S i have to break for 2 seconds before making the Th sound. cuz i dont think you can ever stick out the tongue when you are the position of pronouncing the S. So maybe someone help clarify to me what you would do when there is an S sound before the Th sound. Please have lots of details as i have done a lot of post but no one seem to give me the detail i need to learn this conjunction. I give 15 points best answer. Happy New Year everyone~