I found the L-systems srr description: ( .http://natcomp.liacs.nl/CSA/slides/CSA7.pdf )
My head is about to explode. (It all starts looking like turtles on branchial trees all the way up)
Are you implying, that plants, crystals and (us?) are just a math models (enabled by chem. reaction properties of elements) working on a biochemistry/physic synatx base in order to grow? SSF as usual, questions everything and i think, based on his observation, that nature has such an abundance of models, that ssr cannot be the only one.
That's explains my life long question - "why are snow/ice crystals never perfectly orderly? http://www.google.cz/imgres?imgurl=http://soak-blog.andrewkelsalldes.netdna-cdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/snowflake-under-microscope-image-2-667x852.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.designsoak.com/snowflakes-under-microscope/&h=852&w=667&sz=147&tbnid=YllfoetMIc_2eM:&tbnh=90&tbnw=70&zoom=1&usg=__IO_cnFPlycIfjXGGw4lK003df1Q=&docid=kQ9LvcL0hpmf3M&sa=X&ei=cL5eUd7VJ4W1hAflw4HQBw&ved=0CDoQ9QEwAw&dur=37
If yes, i love you for that . Because you put my minds in a spin. I need that. I really do.
I am fighting a total despair for a week and half now. My dad, my everything i have left from a childhood innocence, was diagnosed with cancer. Terminal. He doesn't know i know. I need to deal with that. And as a recreation, i take your Q as a challenge.
I am unable to solve any problem regarding string rewriting rules, but it'll keep me busy.