Arabic is spoken in the whole of the arabic world, thats ranging from syria, lebanon, yemen, oman, jordan, saudi, UAE, bahrain, kuwait, palestine, bahrain, egypt, algeria, sudan, tunisia, morocco and others! not just iraq. and iraqi arabic is very different from all the rest! and probably not the best arabic to learn because it is so different from the other forms (what i mean is each region has their own form, be it lebanon, palestine, syria and jordan or the north african maghreb arabic)... i personally would go for egyptian or levantine (lebanon, syria, palestine, jordan) arabic because it is the most bog standard i believe, as opposed to iraqi, gulf or north african. It is a very difficult language, especially if you are starting from scratch. I am Palestinian and my husband is Iraqi and I struggle to understand his pronounciation and accent!
To clear things up, arabic does not make persian easier. they are both very different languages from 2 very very different cultures. they may share the odd same word (apart from the religious terms persians use, which are of course arabic) and the same alphabet but persian has letters arabic doesn't, and the whole structure of the words and language are different. The same with urdu. Completely different from arabic! not even the slightest bit similar!
To learn these languages it depends on you, are you living near/with anyone speaking these languages or in a country that speaks the language? if not it could take a long time. they are all difficult languages to learn. I'd say even if you dedicated time just to doing so, learning them could take a while.
hop eive been of some help