Where can I find a pronunciation guide to Merry Christmas in every Language?
Dr. Jekyll
2006-12-14 09:06:02 UTC
Any Informaion would be helpful.
I am helping with a Christmas program that is representing all the nations of the world and their particular traditions.
Ten answers:
2006-12-14 09:13:13 UTC
2016-11-09 05:51:48 UTC
Merry Christmas In Lithuanian
2016-12-29 17:06:08 UTC
Merry Christmas In Afrikaans
2006-12-14 09:16:59 UTC
Check this link out :

Scroll to the bottom and you will see Merry Christmas in Every Language. I'm not sure about the pronouncing of it however. But I hope I helped some.
Aunty Jules
2006-12-18 05:02:14 UTC
Everyone reckons that they have all the sayings of Merry Christmas but I know of one that they don't have. It is "Khisimusi Lomuhle" and it is from the Siswati langauge from Swaziland. I am trying to learn how to speak this language and through a friend (who is also my translator) I am learning all the time.

God bless and Merry Christmas
The Doctor
2006-12-14 09:14:20 UTC
Try this ("Merry Christmas" in 350 languages):
2006-12-14 09:26:46 UTC
rt66lt and Plex indicated nice sites. Unfortunately, spelling of some was not perfect. :(


"Wesolych Swiat i Szczesliwego Nowego Roku" spelling should be: "Wesołych Świąt i szczęśliwego Nowego Roku"

Pronunciation for Merry Christmas [veh-'soh-lyhh svyat]


"Prieci'gus Ziemsve'tkus un Laimi'gu Jauno Gadu!+ " should be "Priecīgus Ziemassvētkus un Laimīgu Jauno gadu" (Merry Christmas and Happy New Year). Pronunciation for Merry Christmas: ['prye-tsee_-goos 'zyemahs-sve_ht-koos]


"Linksmu Kaledu ir laimingu Nauju metu" should be "Linksmų Kalėdų ir laimingų Naujųjų metų " (Merry Christmas and Happy New Year)

Besides, "Saint" is usually added to the word "Christmas" in Lithuanian: "Linksmų Šv.Kalėdų". Pronunciation: [Leenks-'mooh shven-'tooh ka-'leh-dooh]

(I congratulate) with Christmas - Su Šv.Kalėdom [soo shven-'tom ka-'leh-dom]


It was even more terrible to see: "Pozdrevlyayu s prazdnikom Rozhdestva i s Novim Godom", because it was only in Latin alphabet (besides it is Pozdravlyayu).

Corrected in Russian: "Поздравляю с Новым годом и праздником Рождества Христова" (I congratulate with New Year and feast of Christmas , because Orthodox Christmas is two weeks later than New Year)

If shortly, "Merry Christmas!" is "Счастливого Рождества!" (Happy Christmas, if literally). Pronunciation: [shchas-'leeh-vah-vah razh-deh-'stvah]

Belarusian (not Belorrusian!)

"Winshuyu sa Svyatami i z Novym godam!" is pronunciation; Belarusian spelling : "Віншую са Святамі і з Новым годам"

where "Святамі" (feasts) may be replaced with "святамі Божага Нараджэння" (feasts of Christmas) or "з Каляднымі сьвятамі " or "з Калядамі" or "Ражджаством Хрыстовым".

Other possible version taking into account Orthodox order of holidays: "З Новым годам i Ражджаством Хрыстовым" or "З Новым годам i Калядамi!" or "З Новым Годам i Нараджэннем Хрыстовым!" - "(I congratulate} with New Year and Christmas"

A different word for Christmas, I think because of old and soviet version and polonized (Koliady) version of the same language.

Pronunciation of the part "with Christmas you!"- "z ka-'lya-da-meeh"


Spelling: Baxtalò Krečùno thaj Nevo berš! (Happy Christmas and New Year). Pronunciation for Merry Christmas ['bahh-ta-'loh Kre-'chooh-noh].

In Romani dialects Christmas differ, so this is only one of versions. Besides some Roma people are Muslims, some Orthodox, etc.


Merry Christmas - "Joyeux Noël" [zhooh-ah-'yeuh noh-'el]


Feliz Navidad (Happy Christmas, if literally) [fe-'lith na-veeh-'da(d)]


Frohe Weihnacht [froh-'eh 'vay-'na(k)ht]

Frohes Weihnachtsfest

Fröhliche weihnachten
2006-12-14 09:41:58 UTC
In Mongolian, we say " SHINE JILIIN MEND HURGEY!", I have written it using english alphabet, actually we use russian alphabet with a few added letters.

Now i will write down how to read this sentence above.


SH - sounds like sh- shot

I - i- liberal

N- n- new

E- e- end


J- j- jersey

I- i- liberal

L- l- law

II - e: - need

N-n- new


M- m- mend

E-e- end

N-n- new

D- d- desk


H- h- held

U- ou- you

R- r- rent

G- g- get

E-e- end

Y- ye- yet

And remember to read all the letters. If you now russian, japanese, korean etc then you might find it easy to read.

Shine Jiliin Mend Hurgey!!!
Martha P
2006-12-14 09:54:18 UTC
Merry Christmas in many languages

AFRIKAANS geseënde Kersfees

ALBANIAN gëzuar Krishtlindja

ALSATIAN gleckika Wïanachta

ARABIC miilaad majiid

BASQUE Eguberri on

BENGALI subho baradin

BRETON Nedeleg laouen

BULGARIAN Vasel Koleda

BURMESE Christmas nay hma mue pyaw pa

CATALAN bon Nadal

CORSICAN bon Natale

CROAT sretan Božic

CZECH veselé Vánoce

DANISH glædelig jul

DUTCH vrolijk Kerstfeest

ESPERANTO gojan Kristnaskon

ESTONIAN häid jõule

FINNISH hyvää joulua

FRENCH joyeux Noël

FRIULAN bon nadal


GERMAN frohe Weihnachten / fröhliche Weihnachten

GREEK kala christougenna / kala xristougenna

HAITIAN CREOLE jwaye nowel

HEBREW christmas sameakh (barely used)

HINDI Krismas ki subhkamna

HUNGARIAN boldog Karácsonyt

ICELANDIC gleðileg jól

INDONESIAN selamat Natal

IRISH GAELIC Nollaig shona

ITALIAN buon Natale / gioioso Natale

JAPANESE meri kurisumasu

KABYLIAN assegass amegass

KOREAN seun-tan chu-ka-hae-yo

KURDISH Noela we pîroz be

LAO souksan van Christmas

LATIN felix dies Nativitatis

LATVIAN priecigus Ziemassvetkus

LITHUANIAN su Kaledoms

LOW SAXON vrolik Kersfees

LUXEMBOURGEOIS schéi Chrëschtdeeg

MACEDONIAN sreken Bozik

MALAGASY tratry ny Krismasy / arahabaina tratry ny Krismasy / arahaba tratry ny Krismasy

MALTESE milied hieni

MAORI meri Kirihimete


OCCITAN bon Nadal

PERSIAN eydet mobârak

POLISH Wesolych Swiat

PORTUGUESE feliz Natal

ROMANIAN un Crãciun fericit

RUSSIAN Pozdrevlyayu s prazdnikom Rozhdestva!

SAMOAN ia manuia le Kerisimasi

SARDINIAN bona pasca’e Nadale (logudorese) / bona paschixedda (campidanese)

SCOTTISH GAELIC Nollaig chridheil

SERBIAN srecan bozic

SHONA krisimas yakanaka

SLOVAK vesele vianoce

SLOVENIAN vesel božic / vesele božicne praznike

SOBOTA dobro dedek

SPANISH feliz Navidad

SWEDISH god jul

TAGALOG maligayang pasko

THAI Suksan Wan Christmas!

TURKISH Noeliniz kultu olsun

UDMURT Shuldyr Ymuston

UKRAINIAN Z Rizdvom Hrystovym

VIETNAMESE Chuc Mung Giang Sinh!

WALOON djoyeus Noyé

WELSH Nadolig llawen

Polina G
2006-12-14 09:55:54 UTC
here you will find it in all languages

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