The increasing Islamisation of Pakistan and antagonism against India, a nation with a Hindu majority, has been an influential factor in the persecution of and discrimination against religious minorities, including Hindus. Such Islamisation include the blasphemy laws, which make it dangerous for religious minorities to express themselves freely and engage freely in religious and cultural activities. The promulgation of Sharia, Quranic law has also increased the marginalisation of Hindus and other minorities. Following the Babri Mosque riots in India, riots and attacks on Hindus in retaliation has only increased; Hindus in Pakistan are routinely affected by communal incidents in India and violent developments on the Kashmir conflict between the two nations. It remains the hope of many that a permanent peace between the two nations will go a long way in making life better for the roughly 3 million Hindus living in Pakistan. The 1998 census recorded 2,443,614 Hindus in Pakistan.[16]
Hindu minorities, under Taliban rule in Swat, were forced to wear Red headgear such as turbans as a symbol of dhimmi.[17] In July 2010, around 60 members of the minority Hindus in Karachi were attacked and ethnically cleansed following an incident when a Hindu youth drank from a water tap near an Islamic mosque[18][19] The Human Rights Commission of Pakistan came out with a report in 2010 stating that at least 25 Hindu girls are abducted in Pakistan every month.[20] The increasing Islamization of Pakistan and antagonism against India, a nation with a Hindu majority, has been an influential factor in the persecution of Hindus.
Before teaching Hindus meaning of secularism go in Pakistan or Bangladesh and teach them what secularism means .India is our country .We have no problem with other communities until they don't try to harm us .Every one speak about muslim died in Godhara but what when they have burned 59 hindu saints along with there women and children in the Train at godhara and about those 350 hindus which are also died in same riots.What was our seculars were doing when muslims forces 5 lakhs kashmiri pandits to get out of kashmir ( there mother land ) after killing there relatives ,childrens ,raping there women and buring there houses .
Answer me Why Secular only criticize Hindus for there acts and remain quiet for the act of other communities ?.... If this mean secularism Sorry then I am not a secular .....because I can't let any one to Destroy my temples ,to Insult my Religion ,to kill me or my brothers ,destroy my properties and raping my women just to prove that how much secular I am .
And Anti-Sikh Riots was not done by Hindus it was done by congress minsters as Rajeev Gandhi said after it "when a big tree falls, the earth shakes " — during the brutal massacre of Sikhs in 1984.Sikhs are our brothers we have same origin then how can we hate them .....There is no hate b/w sikhs and Hindus . We Hindus also respect Guru Nanak Dev ,Guru Govind singh same as much Sikhs do . Though India is not just only for Hindus its a secular nation but it doesn't mean we will not respond and remain quiet if some one tries to harm us , our religion or our nation and remember India is a secular nation only until Hindus are in majorities ......
I am Proud to be a Hindu .......Jai Hind ,Jai Bharat .