Ukrainian is the language of the neighbouring country, i usu do not have problems with understanding it and I'll try to help you:
zavudyu ya tomy vedmeduky lol is
I envy that little bear lol
(I guess that little bear means here a diminutive equivalent of my sweetie, my dear..)
Privetik!vse dobre
Hello, all is ok
Kolu oleh tebe vze pidstreze???
(As for this phrase I don't really understand what is meant by "pidstreze", if it's what i think (but it does not really make sense...), the person has said:
When oleh (i think that it's should be a male first name because I can't find a translation for this word into my head...) will give a cut to your hair? (i am not sure what hair is meant :) here as it is not specified.
klasna fotka Vova hyiova
A cool photo Vova (it's a male first name) "hyiova" is f*king, I'm sorry, I only translated..