Do not use google chrome.
It uses American spelling.
The Oxford English Dictionary is the one for definitive spelling as it gives both English and American spellings, plus it tries (not easy in the modern world) to also give alternative meanings and spellings of other less well used variations. Let's face it you don't get a prize (spelt wrong according to crappy google chrome) for not being able to find the meaning of that paronomasia (not listed in crappy google chrome, most will take you to my or a friends entry on YA)
When at home I have a couple of copies of the Shorter Oxford (SOED) in the two volume edition, and find it quicker for meanings and they also give historical origins, like the word News, plural of new and first used in the meaning of latest gossip 1565, if you like words look a copy out when you have some money together meanwhile the above link should suffice.
Most of the Internet, gives American spelling and meanings, which is poor, the Oxford goes out of its way to give ALL origins, meanings and spellings, including Pidgin English used in (I believe) Samoa LOL.
To get the most out of it you might have to join a library ? however if you are going to College or Uni their Library may well subscribe