Mr. H
2011-01-24 18:49:47 UTC
I have all the academic classes picked out, sorted through ect, but to graduate under the Distinguished Achievement Program, i need 3 years of foreign language at the minimum, and can't decide between the choices offered.My schedule if it would be of any use is below
AP=Advanced Placement
Honors is sort of like a step above regular and a little below advance placement
9th grade
1.) English I Honor
2.) Geometry(currently doing Algebra I)
3.) Biology Honor
4.) World Geography Honor
5.) Foreign Language of choice
6.) Fine Arts of choice
7.) Physical Education
10th grade
1.) English II AP
2.) Algebra II
3.) Chemistry AP
4.) World History AP
5.) Foreign Language
6.) Health
7.) Undecided
11th grade
1.) English III AP
2.) Pre-Calculus
3.) Physics AP
4.) U.S History Ap
5.) Foreign Language
6-7 Undecided
12th Grade
1.) English IV AP
2.) Calculus ):
3.) Forensic Science
4.) Govt./Econ AP
5.) Foreign Language
6-7 Undecided
These are not in any particular order, just listed.
The languages offered are as follows (I understand some are not really languages, still under same category though)
American Sign Language
My long term goal is to reside in Japan, which i have already been working out and started teaching myself Japanese but postponed due to other things. (I assure you I am serious about moving to Japan, and that this is not just a stupid little dream kids have, such as wanting to move there because of the anime and stuff. I respect the country of Japan, devoted hours of research, and appreciate the beauty and history the country offers.
Thank you to all who answer, it is greatly appreciated.