These are some that i noe
NOTE: dont type the spaces wen putting the code places
Name Code /Symbol/ Description
& dagger; † dagger
& Dagger; ‡ double dagger
& spades; ♠ black spade suit
& clubs; ♣ black club suit
& hearts; ♥ black heart suit
& diams; ♦ black diamond suit
& oline; ‾ overline (overscore)
& larr; ← leftward arrow
& uarr; ↑ upward arrow
& rarr; → rightward arrow
& darr; ↓ downward arrow
& trade; ™ trademark sign
Name Code / Symbol/ Description
& mdash; — em dash
& iexcl; ¡ inverted exclamation
& cent; ¢ cent sign
& pound; £ pound sterling
& curren; ¤ general currency sign
& yen; ¥ yen sign
& brvbar; or & brkbar; ¦ broken vertical bar
& sect; § section sign
& uml; or & die; ¨ umlaut
& copy; © copyright
& ordf; ª feminine ordinal
& laquo; « left angle quote
& not; ¬ not sign
& shy; soft hyphen
& reg; ® registered trademark
& macr; or &hibar; ¯ macron accent
& deg; ° degree sign
& plusmn; ± plus or minus
& sup2; ² superscript two
& sup3; ³ superscript three
Name Code/Symbol /Description
& acute; ´ acute accent
& micro; µ micro sign
& para; ¶ paragraph sign
& middot; · middle dot
& cedil; ¸ cedilla
& sup1; ¹ superscript one
& ordm; º masculine ordinal
& raquo; » right angle quote
& frac14; ¼ one-fourth
& frac12; ½ one-half
& frac34; ¾ three-fourths
& iquest; ¿ inverted question mark
& Agrave; À uppercase A, grave accent
& Aacute; Á uppercase A, acute accent
& Acirc; Â uppercase A, circumflex accent
& Atilde; Ã uppercase A, tilde
& Auml; Ä uppercase A, umlaut
& Aring; Å uppercase A, ring
& AElig; Æ uppercase AE
& Ccedil; Ç uppercase C, cedilla
Name Code/Symbol/ Description
& Egrave; È uppercase E, grave accent
& Eacute; É uppercase E, acute accent
& Ecirc; Ê uppercase E, circumflex accent
& Euml; Ë uppercase E, umlaut
& Igrave; Ì uppercase I, grave accent
& Iacute; Í uppercase I, acute accent
& Icirc; Î uppercase I, circumflex accent
& Iuml; Ï uppercase I, umlaut
& ETH; Ð uppercase Eth, Icelandic
& Ntilde; Ñ uppercase N, tilde
& Ograve; Ò uppercase O, grave accent
& Oacute; Ó uppercase O, acute accent
& Ocirc; Ô uppercase O, circumflex accent
& Otilde; Õ uppercase O, tilde
& Ouml; Ö uppercase O, umlaut
& times; × multiplication sign
& Oslash; Ø uppercase O, slash
& Ugrave; Ù uppercase U, grave accent
& Uacute; Ú uppercase U, acute accent
& Ucirc; Û uppercase U, circumflex accent
Name Code /Symbol/ Description
& Uuml; Ü uppercase U, umlaut
& Yacute; Ý uppercase Y, acute accent
& THORN; Þ uppercase THORN, Icelandic
& szlig; ß lowercase sharps, German
& agrave; à lowercase a, grave accent
& aacute; á lowercase a, acute accent
& acirc; â lowercase a, circumflex accent
& atilde; ã lowercase a, tilde
& auml; ä lowercase a, umlaut
& aring; å lowercase a, ring
& aelig; æ lowercase ae
& ccedil; ç lowercase c, cedilla
& egrave; è lowercase e, grave accent
& eacute; é lowercase e, acute accent
& ecirc; ê lowercase e, circumflex accent
& euml; ë lowercase e, umlaut
& igrave; ì lowercase i, grave accent
& iacute; í lowercase i, acute accent
& icirc; î lowercase i, circumflex accent
& iuml; ï lowercase i, umlaut
Name Code /Symbol/ Description
& eth; ð lowercase eth, Icelandic
& ntilde; ñ lowercase n, tilde
& ograve; ò lowercase o, grave accent
& oacute; ó lowercase o, acute accent
& ocirc; ô lowercase o, circumflex accent
& otilde; õ lowercase o, tilde
& ouml; ö lowercase o, umlaut
& divide; ÷ division sign
& oslash; ø lowercase o, slash
& ugrave; ù lowercase u, grave accent
& uacute; ú lowercase u, acute accent
& ucirc; û lowercase u, circumflex accent
& uuml; ü lowercase u, umlaut
& yacute; ý lowercase y, acute accent
& thorn; þ lowercase thorn, Icelandic
& yuml; ÿ lowercase y, umlaut