any company who sells their products internationally will have their instructions in a number of languages and it is simple economics as to why all those languages appear on one set of instructions.
do you want translations or transliterations? countries that use non-latin scripts will usually translate official signs into latin-script, if not just outright translate them.
maybe i answered your concerns or not. i am not greedy, i am happy with 2pts
good luck
any nation that was once an british colony will have signs in english, and english is not necessarily the native language there.
any major international airport will have signs translated into various languages as well as have people who can speak several languages or at least can get someone to help you with what you need. there are also international signs and symbols in play that are designed to help people who cannot be bothered to learn or simply do not speak one language or the other find their way. so there is no reason to translate those in the strictest sense.
also, any nation that was once an british colony will have signs in english, and english is not necessarily the native language there.
and those groovy multicultural non-linguaphobic nations like canada and singapore will have government documents in several languages.
major tourist cities and business centers in mexico, greece, india, vietnam, thailand, malaysia, indonesia, china, japan, korea, all have signs and other usefull documents in english. wait, india and malaysia were british colonies so i kind of mentioned them twice.
but it is just how deep you want to go into a country that will determine whether or not you can get by in just english.
but even in the US, every document legal or otherwise is translated into many languages and if we english speakers will not assist or are even willing to assist people of other languages with official documentation then why should they bother?