If you could learn a second language, which language would it be and why?
2007-05-15 05:42:25 UTC
Does anyone of a good online learning resource for languages e.g French?
39 answers:
2007-05-15 06:30:10 UTC
I speak English, Mandarin & French. On-line learning is only useful if you already have some basic knowledge of that language. The best way to master a language is to speak that language often.
Rob B
2007-05-15 05:56:38 UTC
Definitely Mandarin Chinese, that is the wave of the future. China is the India of the future, but more so. The investment opportunity in China is overwhelming. Think of the largest population on Earth opening up to new economic ventures. It's on the verge of explosion. A good second choice would be Spanish since this country is being invaded by immigrants from south of the border and the Hispanic population could be in the majority by 2020 - no judgement here, just the facts. As far as online learning resources, I'm not real sure, but I have used both Instant Immersion and Pimsler software packages and I would recommend either one. I learned German with Instant Immersion and brushed up on my French with Pimsler.
2007-05-15 05:46:43 UTC
I would learn Spanish as I hope to move there when my daughter leaves school . I already speak 2 languages and can say some basics in others . I love learning languages always makes me feel that I can experience more when in their countries. Plan to start learning Spanish as soon as I can.
2007-05-15 18:27:32 UTC
I already speak a second language ( English), my native language is spanish and I'd like to learn italian (I've tried once but it was so difficult....)
Why?? I love languages and is great having the hability to understand what people say in other countries
2007-05-15 11:38:24 UTC
I cant say as a second language because I already can soeak two languages one is persian and the other is english but if I want to learn a third language it would be Chinese and Japanese.
Dios es amor
2007-05-15 05:54:09 UTC
Well, I already did. I took english at school. Later I studied French and German.
About your question, no, that is not a good idea . If you want to learn French, go to Paris
Princessa Macha Venial
2007-05-15 05:51:15 UTC
The language of social grace and humility is universal, I learned it from my aunt Mariuda. We went all over Michigan and to Chicago, she spoke only Portugues and I only American English and a smattering of Spanglish. I still have the "ann-ti-kee" cream pitcher she bought me while garage saling.
If I am fortunate my masters will be in Linguistics and I will be fluent in more than Blarney when my degree is finished.
2007-05-15 11:28:47 UTC
Well it would be a fourth language to me as I already speak English, Irish and German. I would choose Italian though as I love visiting there and would like to know more than just the basics
Erina♣Liszt's Girl
2007-05-15 06:48:32 UTC
I have two languages already and learnt three more on the way but I need to improve my Russian and Georgian..I would also like to learn Dutch so that I can speak it with my friend ;)
♥ Ferdie ♥
2007-05-16 16:24:55 UTC
I already speak English and Spanish fluently, but I'd love to learn French, I think it's kinda Sexy!
bee bee
2007-05-15 05:54:59 UTC
I'd learn Spanish, as I go to Spain more often than I go anywhere else. And I want to go to South America.
Polish would be handy, since I work with loads, might understand what they are on about then
dimplez P
2007-05-15 11:09:33 UTC
Spanish..I love the language, and i found it easier to learn than french..am more fluent in spanish now..and also i would love to travel to south america...
2007-05-15 05:50:10 UTC
I think that I would learn this nations second language - polish
2007-05-15 13:22:34 UTC
i already knew 3 Lang
Arabic English dutch
but i want to be perfect at dutch and learn French too
2007-05-15 06:22:47 UTC
I would love to learn Korean and Brazilian Portuguese to be able to communicate better with the international students that come to work here.
2007-05-19 07:57:19 UTC
I would learn Kiswahili cos I live in Kenya nd although I can speak a little I would love to be fluent.
2007-05-15 06:55:27 UTC
I already have a second and a third language, but anyway. Sign language would look good in my CV.
Italian. It's easier copared to other languages and handy if you are a muscician as italian terms are used on most score sheets
2016-06-02 13:29:02 UTC
If you are a newbie who is aware of very minor if any Spanish but you will like to discover a lot more then you have to consider a course https://tr.im/x2xU6 the on the web course of Spanish
2007-05-15 05:45:50 UTC
Spanish, because as a nurse in Oklahoma, we get people into the hospital who only speak Spanish, no English.
2007-05-21 03:02:23 UTC
spanish and italian their the greatest languages eva and their kinda alike so after u learn one of them its really easy to learn the otha.
Jim San Antonio
2007-05-15 05:45:29 UTC
right now, I would say Spanish. I just moved to San Antonio and am making several business trips to Mexico. It would be nice to speak the language of so many people here in San Antonio and our good neighbors-Mexico.
2007-05-15 05:50:21 UTC
I would want to learn polish or italian because that is what my great grandparents spoke.
~*tigger*~ **
2007-05-20 08:30:34 UTC
I would learn Italian
I want to live there one day
2007-05-15 05:45:53 UTC
The language that some women use when they are in pms
Pius Peto
2007-05-15 05:51:55 UTC
Polish. It's a fast-growing market and there are several thousands in the UK, as well.