spot and correct the error, English grammar?
arun gautam
2011-06-21 15:15:50 UTC
1: Neither of them are going to attend the party on 10th October.
2: I have not seen him since twenty years and so I cannot say with certainty whether he is alive or dead.
3: He walked five miles which are really a great distance for a man like him who is not only old but also ill.
5. The student requested the teacher to explain him the theory of relativity with some examples which he could understand easily.
6: When he did not find his cook in the kitchen he asked his wife where had he gone.
7: We are proud to announce that every one on our team has earned a good name.
8: Either my colleague or a peon are coming home with the material today.
9: Never I asked my Englishman how much he earned.
10: The Vice-Chancellor of our university urged to the agitating students to shun violence and maintain peace on the campus.
11: When her son got a job she was besides herself with joy.
12: Here is the man whom I think committed the crime.
13: We have studied the two specimens carefully X differs to Y in only one respect.
14: Bread and butter is all we want.
15. What are their reasons to say it.
16. He took his younger sister with himself.
17. Can you cite any precedent in support of the case?
18. We must work very hard now to making up for the lost time.
19: Right from his childhood he used to prefer sports than studies.
Three answers:
2011-06-21 15:27:45 UTC
1: Neither of them are going to attend the party on the 10th October.

2: I have not seen him in twenty years and so I cannot say with certainty whether he is alive or dead.

3: He walked five miles which is really a great distance for a man like him who is not only old but also ill.

5. The student requested the teacher to explain to him the theory of relativity with some examples which he could understand easily.

6: When he did not find his cook in the kitchen he asked his wife where he had gone.

7: We are proud to announce that everyone on our team has earned a good name.

8: Either my colleague or a peon is coming home today with the material.

9: Never I asked the Englishman how much he earned.

10: The Vice-Chancellor of our university urged the agitating students to shun violence and maintain peace on the campus.

11: When her son got a job she was beside herself with joy.

12: Here is the man who I think committed the crime.

13: We have studied the two specimens carefully, X differs to Y in only one respect.

14: Bread and butter is all we want.

15. What are their reasons to say it?

16. He took his younger sister with him.

17. Can you cite any precedent in support of the case?

18. We must work very hard now to make up for the lost time.

19: Right from his childhood he used to prefer sports to studies.

I don't know 17, 14 and I'm not sure about 8! Sorry!!
2011-06-21 15:30:56 UTC
1: Neither of IS are going to attend the party on 10th October.

2: I have not seen him since FOR years and so I cannot say with certainty whether he is alive or dead.

3: He walked five miles which IS really a great distance for a man like him who is not only old but also ill.

5. The student requested the teacher to explain TO him the theory of relativity with some examples which he could understand easily.

6: When he did not find his cook in the kitchen he asked his wife where HE HAD gone.

7: We are proud to announce that everyone on our team has earned a good name.

8: Either my colleague or a peon IS coming home with the material today.

9: I never asked my 'Englishman?' how much he earned.

10: The Vice-Chancellor of our university urged the agitating students to shun violence and maintain peace on the campus.

11: When her son got a job, she was besides herself with joy.

12: Here is the man who I think committed the crime.

13: We have studied the two specimens carefully; OR : OR . X differs to Y in only one respect.

14: Bread and butter are all we want. [Is is fine, but I think this is what they want]

15. What are their reasons to say it?

16. He took his younger sister with him.

17. Can you cite any president in support of the case?

18. We must work very hard now to make up for the lost time.

19: Right from his childhood he preferred sports to studies.
Amitava অমিতাভ
2011-06-22 17:43:24 UTC
You already convey thanks to one answer but I feel the formation of sentences may be improved further, though your formation of sentences are workable.

1. Use none of them in place of neither of them. (in it wrong. Grammatically 'neither...nor' is used.

2. Your formation is perfectly correct - only 'and' should be avoided

3. Re write the sentence as ' He walked 5 miles which is a great distance for an old man like him.

5. replace 'to be understood easily' in place of ' which he could understand easily.'

6. replace ' having not finding his cook' in place of 'when he did not find his cook'

7. no change required

8. use 'may be coming' in place of are coming because you are not definite who is coming

9. I never asked.......

1o. 'urged to' is wrong - it should be 'urged upon'. 'on the campus' is wrong it should be 'in the campus'

11. No change required.

12. Wrong formation the sentence should be ' that is the man / He is the man who, I think has committed the crime

13. replace 'inrespect of...' in place of 'in one respect'

14. perfectly correct.

16. 'With himself' is wrong use, it should be 'with him'

17. 'replace 'refer' in place of 'cite' ( 'cite'/citation is used in case of citing example, reference etc.)

18. 'to making up for' is wrong - use 'to make up the lost time'

19. Your formation is correct. Alternatively you may use 'since child hood, he.....'

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