Assuming you have a PC and live in the United States (not sure if it's different if you have an Australian, Canadian or UK keyboard), go to the Start menu --> Control Panel --> Regional and Language Options --> select the "Languages" tab and click "Details" --> click on "Add"--> in the "Keyboard Layout/IME" field, select the option "United States-International" --> click "OK" --> click "OK"--> click "OK".
Now, in the lower right hand corner of your screen, on the horizontal tool bar, you should see a gray rectangle looking-icon that looks like a keyboard. Left click on it once, and then select United States-International to turn on the coding. A couple of the coding formulas are below:
Ä/ä = " plus either A or a
Ë/ë = " plus either E or e
Ü/ü = " plus either U or u
Ö/ö = " plus either O or o
Ï/ï = " plus either I or i
Ñ/ñ = ~ plus either N or n
É/é = ' plus either E or e
À/à = ` plus either A or a
Å/å = Alt plus either W or w
One annoying thing about this is if you leave your keyboard coding on United States-International, you'll have to learn to press the space bar after using the " button for using it to make actual quotes to avoid inadvertantly making a ä, ë, ö, etc. If you find yourself writing in foreign charactes frequently, however, i suggest you leave it on because you'll get used to doing what you need to do to bypass the code formulas and continue to write in normal characters versus foreign ones. But if not, when you're done writing in foreign characters, just left click the same keyboard icon, select your other option (should be English - United States) and you'll be back to having no coding formulas.
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