2011-08-28 10:06:41 UTC
How do my sentences look? What needs to be fixed?
1. Was ist passiert? Mein Haus wird zerstört! Habt ihr eine Party letzte Nacht? Was sage ich? Keine Partys durft an dieses Haus.
(What happend? My house is destroyed! Did you guys have a party last night? What did I say? No parties are allowed at this house.)
2. Was wird passieren, ob ich das Fenster an Nacht zumachen vergisse? Werde ein Dieb kommen und meine Dinge stelhen?
(What will happen, if I forget to close/shut my window at night? Will a theif come in and steal my things?)
side note- I hope "vergisse" is correct. In my book I just started learning the German Subjunctive.
3. Mache nicht angst sein!! (or) Mache nicht angst!! (or) Sein nicht angst!! (LOL)
(Don't be scared!!)
4. Hey! Was ist los! Das hört gut. Was mache ich? Im moment, Ich bin zum Turnhalle. Nein, Ich kann sprechen. Ich bin fast fertig. Welcher Turnhalle suche ich auf? Ich suche der Turnhalle meines Vaters, den hinüber bei "Target" ist zu teuer.
(Hey! What's up?! That sounds good. What am I doing? Right now, I am at the gym. No, I can speak. I am almost done. Which gym do I go to? I go to my father's gym, the one over there by "Target" is too expensive.)
Side note- I was told once that I say "ich" too much. But I don't know what to replace "ich" with. Do I just omit the pronoun in some of my sentences, and just leave the conjugated verb? Example: "bin zum Turnhalle."?
Well that's it!!! Thank you so much for all your help!! Thank you so much for your time!! Many notes will be taken!! THANK YOU!! THANK YOU!!! THANK YOU!! THANK YOU!! VIELEN DANK!!