2011-05-30 19:50:41 UTC
I became very interested in Japanese culture when I was 12 years old (I'm 19 at the moment) when I started watching anime. These days, I don’t watch anime so much anymore, but I love to read, so I read a lot of manga, and would love to be able to read in my target language eventually. However, a couple years ago my friend introduced me to Kpop. Now Korean music makes up a good portion of the stuff that I listen to most often (like, every day). I also started watching Korean dramas and I really like them. But, my problem is that I eventually want to live in either Tokyo or Seoul. I was leaning more towards Tokyo for many years, but I found some a good blog from someone who has been living in Korea for a while (Simon and Martina anyone?) and it looks amazing. That along with the shift in media I enjoy, as well as the Earthquake and tsunami and radiation and all the other problems Japan is having right now, has made me consider another option....Seoul.
It has always been my dream to study abroad. This year I will be going to college for my first year of Hospitality and Tourism, and I was hoping that next year around this time I would go study in another country - that, or I was also looking into teaching English as a Second Language/a working holiday. Japan has just canceled all of the study abroad programs due to the recent disaster though, and I heard that it is easier to get used to ESL if I began in Korea and did Japan later. Since I want to have a career in the Tourism industry, learning Japanese would be better I know, but in light of the recent tragedy, again, are the amount of travelers going to stay the same?
As for the actual language part of it, I’m at about the same level for both I think, not having any formal training but knowing some common vocabulary and phrases. I’ve listened to Japanese a lot longer and it’s easier for me to pronounce, but right now all of the media I am consuming is Korean. I can get the hang of it if I try hard I think, right now it is difficult. Hangul also looks easier to learn and I know I can pick that up right away, but I found out that they also use Hanja for reading beyond that on the internet, and I’m not sure of the difficulty compared to that of learning Kanji/Hiragana/Katakana. I also have language programs for both but it looks like if I want to read it I will have to find other resources on my own.
I would really love a second opinion on this, I know it might seem an easy decision since I want to learn both anyway, but whichever I choose first could affect my future career options as well as any experiences to be had in Tokyo or Seoul.
Thanks so much for reading all this, I know it was long winded XD
I would very much appreciate any help :)