can you transalate this in english:je taime, bestfriend!! merci buku!!akou shinta kamou?
roj p
2007-02-13 19:19:18 UTC
can you transalate this in english:je taime, bestfriend!! merci buku!!akou shinta kamou
Five answers:
Speck Schnuck
2007-02-13 19:31:31 UTC
j t'aime means I love you, merci buku is wrongly spelled for merci beaucoup which means thanks very much, akou shinta kamoe is spelled also wrong, it's 'aku cinta kamu' means I love you.
2016-10-15 10:43:55 UTC
Merci Buku
2007-02-13 22:22:55 UTC
je taime, bestfriend!! I love you in french.

merci buku that's merci beaucoup ; thank you v much in french

akou shinta kamou should be aku cinta kamu ; I love you in bahasa (indonesia and malay)

u got the spellings all wrong mate
2007-02-13 19:24:26 UTC
I luv u bestfriend!! thank you very much. Sorry. the rest of it you're on ur own
2016-03-18 06:13:50 UTC
Unless we set your regional to Krasena وبارك لنا فيها Bless us where واجعلها الوارث منا Only the heir of us واجعل ثأرنا على شعبنا The Make revenge on our people وانصرنا على من عارضنا The victory of the opposed ولا تجعل مصيبتنا في حُكمنا Do not expose loss in judging ولا تجعل راحة الشعب أكبر همنا ولا مبلغ عِلمنا Do not make people more comfort Our concern is not the amount we learned ولا الانقلاب العسكري مصيرنا The military coup destiny واجعل القصر الرئاسي هو دارنا ومستقرنا Make the presidential palace is the home and Mstkrna ------------ -------- ___________ ______ االلهم إنا نسألك فترة ممتدة I ask you Aallahm extended period وهجمة مُرتدة The onslaught of balls والصبر على المعارضة And patience with opposition والنصر على الشعب The victory for the people ونسألك الحُسن لكن لا نسألك الخاتمة أبداً Hassan, but did not ask you ask you never Conclusion اللهم ارزقنا معونة لا نسرق بعدها أبدا God Arozkna aid does not begin after Nserg اللهم لا تفتح أبواب خزائننا لغيرنا God does not open the doors for others Khozanna اللهم أعطنا كلمة السر لحسابات الحكام السابقين لنا في بنوك سويسرا O Give us the password of the accounts of former rulers in our banks Switzerland ------------ --------- ___________ ___________ اللهم وفق أمريكا لما فيه خيرنا God according to America for the good اللهم اغفر لـ (جورج بوش) فإنه لا يعلم أننا لا نعلم God forgive l (George Bush), it does not know we do not know اللهم وفقه لما فيه 99% من أصوات الناخبين God and jurisprudence for the 99% of the votes اللهم نجهِ من أي إعصار أو كارثة طبيعية لأننا سنلوص مع شعوبنا من غيره Linga apart from any hurricane or natural disaster because we Snlos with peoples of other اللهم عليك بشعبي، أما أعدائي فأنا سأتفاوض معهم Unless you my people, but I Satfawd with Aaadaei ------------ --------- ___________ ___________ اللهم ارزقنا حب أمريكا God love America Arozkna وحب من يُحب أمريكا ! Love of America loves! وحب ما يُقربنا إلى حب أمريكا Love what brings us closer to Love America ------------ ------ ___________ ___ اللهم أمركني ولا تأفغني God Amrkny not Tavgne اللهم برطني ولا تصوملني God Brtunai not Tsomlni اللهم فرنسني ولا تسودني God Vrenseni not Tsudni اللهم ألمني ولا تؤلبني God wishes not Telbni ------------ ------ ___________ ___ اللهم أني أبرأ إليك من الاستعانة في حكم شعبي بأحد Unless I Ibra you use in a popular one ولا حتى بصديق، ولا برأي الجمهور Not even a friend, in the opinion of the public اللهم أني أعوذ بك من كرسي يُخلع God forbid I am your chair He takes off ومن شعب لا يُقمع It is not the people suppresses ومن صحيفة لا تُمنع It does not prevent the newspaper ومن خطاب لا يُسمع It is not heard Address ومن مواطن لا يُخدع It is not a con وأعوذ بك من أن أجلس على الكرسي ثم أقوم أو أ ُقام عنه The refuge you to sit on the Holy Then I had him, or a ------------ --------- ---- ___________ --------- ---- اللهم ثبتني على الكرسي تثبيتا God the Holy confirmation Thbtni و شتت المعارضة تشتيتا Immigrant and dispersed opposition ولا تبق منهم شيطاناً ولا عفريتا No longer a demon in them Lita و بارك لي في البارتيتة Park and Lee in Albartih اللهم آآآآآآآآمييييييييين God Aaaaaaaamiyeyeeyein آآآآآآآآمييييييييين Aaaaaaaamiyeyeeyein Edit: Unless we set your regional to Krasena Bless us where Only the heir of us The Make revenge on our people The victory of the opposed Do not expose loss in judging Do not make people more comfort Our concern is not the amount we learned The military coup destiny Make the presidential palace is the home and Mstkrna ------------ -------- ___________ ______ I ask you Aallahm extended period The onslaught of balls And patience with opposition The victory for the people Hassan, but did not ask you ask you never Conclusion God Arozkna aid does not begin after Nserg God does not open the doors for others Khozanna O Give us the password of the accounts of former rulers in our banks Switzerland ------------ --------- ___________ ___________ God according to America for the good God forgive l (George Bush), it does not know we do not know God and jurisprudence for the 99% of the votes Linga apart from any hurricane or natural disaster because we Snlos with peoples of other Unless you my people, but I Satfawd with Aaadaei ------------ --------- ___________ ___________ God love America Arozkna Love of America loves! Love what brings us closer to Love America ------------ ------ ___________ ___ God Amrkny not Tavgne God Brtunai not Tsomlni God Vrenseni not Tsudni God wishes not Telbni ------------ ------ ___________ ___ Unless I Ibra you use in a popular one Not even a friend, in the opinion of the public God forbid I am your chair He takes off It is not the people suppresses It does not prevent the newspaper It is not heard Address It is not a con The refuge you to sit on the Holy Then I had him, or a ------------ --------- ---- ___________ --------- ---- God the Holy confirmation Thbtni Immigrant and dispersed opposition No longer a demon in them Lita Park and Lee in Albartih God Aaaaaaaamiyeyeeyein Aaaaaaaamiyeyeeyein

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.