what does Paß auf dich auf mean in English??
2006-03-06 06:48:30 UTC
what does Paß auf dich auf mean in English??
Four answers:
2006-03-06 06:57:44 UTC
It means take care and look after yourself
2006-03-06 08:20:07 UTC
"aufpassen auf" means to look after yourself or take care of yourself.

aufpassen means literally to pay attention to. But with the preposition "auf" it has a slightly different meaning.

If you are more interested to know why its dich and not dir then here it is. The preposition "auf" here indicates its accusative. So dich and not dir.

Hope this helps.
2006-03-06 10:20:04 UTC
It means take care of yourself, watch out for yourself.
2006-03-06 09:22:33 UTC
It's the phrase "Take care".

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