I'm from Chile, "ss" is used only in latinamerica, and it's called "seseo" because we use s-c-z with the same pronunciation "s". BUT the "th" as you say (Z) is used in Spain,they don't pronounce the words like us. I think is the same with english from England and American english.
that's why when we watch anime (for example) it must be translated in Latinamerican spanish(for us / for our ears).. but when we watch the same anime with spanish from Spain, is really awful, I think is the same for their ears. do u' understand me?
Although I know that our language was made in Europe, so I respet spanish from Spain by all the ways. ;)
jaja it's funny, because I can speak with Spain accent :P everyone always said me , please speak with that accent xDD jejeje.... however, you must know that in latinamerica every country has an specific accent ( some of them are very similar but never but never...mmmm I don't know what word shoul i put jajajaj ) ....
Even though I suposse that in U.S.A or U.K there're lot of differente accents, believe me, I can not see any difference.... buuuuut I know if a person is from UK or USA ...those accent are very differents...I preffer british accents anyway.
well, I don't know what I'm talking about.. but I will tell you that for us is more common ss and for spain people is common "th" (heheh)....
here u' have some examples:
CORAZÓN: corassson (L.A) corathon "coraZon"(Spain)
A VECES: avesssesss (L.A) a vethesh (Spain)
ZORROS: sorros (L.A) thorrosh (Spain)
u' see?
bueno ahora procedo a retirarme ..que estes muy bien.. cuidate y hasta luego :)
good bye!!!!