Afrikaans - haai (hello) pronounced Ha-i
Albanian - tungjatjeta pronounced To-gyat-yeta it means heave a long life or c'kemi (hi)
A'Leamona - tél nìdõ (good day) pronounced tehl-neye-doe
Arabic - subbah-el-kheir (good morning), masaa-el-khair (good evening): note that Kh is pronounced from the back of the throat. mArHAbAn (Hello) pronounced Mar-ha-ban
Armenian - barev or parev
Azerbaijani - salam (hello) pronounced Sa-lam
Bahamas – hello (formal), hi or heyello (informal), what you sayin', Buyh? (very informal - slang)
Basque - kaixo (pronounced kai-show), egun on (morning; pronounced egg-un own), gau on (night; pronounced gow own)
Bavarian and Austrian German - grüß Gott (pronounced gruess gott), servus (informal; also means "goodbye"; pronounced zair-voos)
Bengali — aas salamu alaay kum (In Botswana Dumeleng [formal]), wareng (Bangladesh [informal]), namaskar (In West Bengal, India)
Bremnian - koali (pronounced kowalee)
Bulgarian - zdravei, zdraveite (to many), zdrasti (informal), Dobro utro (morning), Dobar den (day), Dobar vecher (evening)
Burmese - mingalarba
Cambodian - Sour Sdey (informal), Jum Reap Sour (formal), good morning, Arun Sour Sdey, good afternoon Tivea Sour Sdey, good evening Sayoan Sour Sdey, good night Reatrey Sour Sdey, good bye Lea Hoy (informal), Jum Reap Lea (formal)
Cape-Verdean Creole - oi, olá
Catalan - hola (pronounced o-la), bon dia (pronounced bon dee-ah)good morning, bona tarda (bona tahr-dah) good afternoon, bona nit (bona neet)good night. You can also say just "Bones (bo-nahs) to make it informal.
Chamorro - hafa adai (hello/what's up?), hafa? (informal), howzzit bro/bran/prim/che'lu? (informal), sup (informal)and all other English greetings
Chichewa - moni bambo! (to a male), moni mayi! (to a female)
Chinese - 你好, Cantonese nei ho or lei ho (pronounced nay ho or lay ho) Mandarin 你好 (pronounced ni hao), 早上好(pronounced zao shang hao; good morning!)
Congo - mambo
Cree - Tansi (pronounced Dawnsay)
Croatian - bok (informal), dobro jutro (morning), dobar dan (day), dobra večer (evening), laku noć (night)
Czech - dobré ráno (until about 8 or 9 a.m.), dobrý den (formal), dobrý večer (evening), ahoj (informal; pronounced ahoy)
Danish - hej (informal; pronounced hey), god dag (formal), god aften (evening; formal), hejsa (very informal).
Double Dutch - hutch-e-lul-lul-o (hello), gug-o-o-dud mum-o-rug-nun-i-nun-gug (good morning; formal), gug-o-o-dud a-fuf-tut-e-rug-nun-o-o-nun (good afternoon; formal), gug-o-o-dud e-vuv-e-nun-i-nun-gug (good evening; formal)
Dutch - hoi (very informal), hallo (informal), goedendag (formal)
English - hello (formal), hi (informal), hey (informal,)
Esperanto - saluton (formal), sal (informal)
Estonian - tere'
Egyptian Arabic - Salaam Alekum'(sulam ulakume) (Goodbye) Ma Salaama (ma sulama) the "U" is pronounced its usual way(Example:up)
Fijian - bula uro
Finnish - hyvää päivää (formal), moi or hei (informal), moro (Tamperensis)
French - salut (informal; silent 't'), bonjour (formal, for daytime use; 'n' as a nasal vowel), bonsoir (good evening; 'n' is a nasal vowel), bonne nuit (good night). There is also "ça va", but this is more often used to mean "how are you?"
Gaelic - dia duit (informal; pronounced gee-ah ditch; literally "God be with you")
Georgian - gamardjoba
German - hallo (informal), Guten Tag (formal; pronounced gootan taag), Tag (very informal; pronounced taack).
Gujarathi - kem che
Greek - yia sou (pronounced yah-soo; informal), yia sas (formal)
Hausa - Ina kwaana? (How did you sleep? - informal) or Ina uni? (how's the day? - informal). Ina kwaanan ku? (formal) or Ina unin Ku (formal)
Hawaiian - aloha
Hebrew - shalom (means "hello", "goodbye" and "peace"), hi (informal), ma kore? (very informal, literally means "whats happening" or "whats up")
Hindi - नमस्ते, namaste (pronounced na-mus-thei)
Hungarian, Magyar - jo napot (pronounced yoh naput; daytime; formal), szervusz (pronounced sairvoose; informal), szia (pronounced seeya; informal)
Icelandic - góðan dag (formal; pronounced gothan dagg), hæ (informal)
Igbo - nde-ewo (pronounced enday aywo), nna-ewo (pronounced enna wo)
Indonesian - halo (hello), selamat pagi (morning), selamat siang (afternoon), selamat malam (evening)
Italian - ciào (pronounced chow; informal; also means "goodbye"), buon giorno (pronounced bwohn geeornoh; good morning; formal), buon pomeriggio (pronounced bwohn pohmehreejeeoh; good afternoon; formal), buona sera (pronounced bbwoonah sehrah; good evening; formal)
Japanese - おはよう ございます ohayoou gozaimasu (pronounced o-ha-yo (go-zai-mass); good morning), こんにちは konnichi wa (pronounced kong-nee-chee-wa; daytime or afternoon), こんばんは konbanwa (pronounced kong-ban-wa; evening); もし もし moshi moshi (pronounced moh-shee moh-shee; when calling/answering the phone); どうもう doumo (pronounced doh-moh; informal way of thanking/greeting, but means countless other things as well so only use when context makes sense)
Jibberish - huthegelluthego,