How do you say "hello" in different languages?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
How do you say "hello" in different languages?
68 answers:
2009-03-21 15:10:19 UTC
Arabic - Al Salaam a'alaykum

Armenian - Barev

Bulgarian - Zdraveite

Cantonese - Nei Hou

Cherokee - Oh-see-YOH

Croatian - Bok

Czech - Dobry den

Danish - Goddag

Dutch - Hallo

Estonian - Tere

Finnish - Terve

French - Bonjour

German - Guten Tag

Greek - Kalimera

Hawaiian - Aloha

Hebrew - Shalom

Hindi - Namaste

Hungarian - Szia

Icelandic - Hallo

Indonesian - Assalamu alai kum

Italian - Buon giorno

Japanese - Konnichiwa

Korean - Annyong ha shimnikka

Lithuanian - Labas

Mandarin - Ni Hao

Mayan - Ba'ax ka wa'alik

Mohawk - Sekoh

Navajo - Ya at eeh

Norwegian - God dag

Persian - Selam

Polish - Czesc

Portuguese - Oi

Romanian - Buna ziua

Russian - Zdraustvuite

Samoan - Talofa lava

Serbian - Zdravo

Slovak - Dobry den

Slovenian - Zdravo

Spanish - Hola

Swahili - Jambo

Swedish - God dag

Tagalog - Magandang tanghali po poh

Turkish - Merhaba

Ukranian - Pryvit

Ute - Mique

Welsh - Bore da
2009-03-21 15:03:01 UTC
Merhaba - Turkish
2009-03-25 14:16:44 UTC
Tagalog (main dialect of Philippines): Kamusta-ka [Kah-moose-tah Kah]

French: Bonjour [Bohn-joor] as in Good Day, or Bonsoir [Bohn-swoir] as in good night, or Salut [Sah-lew] as a casual hi.

Moroccan Arabic: Es salaam alykum [Ehs sah-lahm ahl-eye-koom]
2009-03-21 15:03:01 UTC
2009-03-21 15:02:59 UTC
conichiwa-japanese bonjour-french- g'day-AUSSIE lol well hello fine people of the world-me salutations-me
2009-03-21 15:02:43 UTC
salut is hi in french....dont prononce the "t" at the end
Areya Endona
2009-03-21 15:02:40 UTC


2009-03-21 15:02:38 UTC



2009-03-21 15:02:24 UTC
2009-03-21 15:02:18 UTC
Afrikaans - haai (hello) pronounced Ha-i

Albanian - tungjatjeta pronounced To-gyat-yeta it means heave a long life or c'kemi (hi)

A'Leamona - tél nìdõ (good day) pronounced tehl-neye-doe

Arabic - subbah-el-kheir (good morning), masaa-el-khair (good evening): note that Kh is pronounced from the back of the throat. mArHAbAn (Hello) pronounced Mar-ha-ban

Armenian - barev or parev

Azerbaijani - salam (hello) pronounced Sa-lam

Bahamas – hello (formal), hi or heyello (informal), what you sayin', Buyh? (very informal - slang)

Basque - kaixo (pronounced kai-show), egun on (morning; pronounced egg-un own), gau on (night; pronounced gow own)

Bavarian and Austrian German - grüß Gott (pronounced gruess gott), servus (informal; also means "goodbye"; pronounced zair-voos)

Bengali — aas salamu alaay kum (In Botswana Dumeleng [formal]), wareng (Bangladesh [informal]), namaskar (In West Bengal, India)

Bremnian - koali (pronounced kowalee)

Bulgarian - zdravei, zdraveite (to many), zdrasti (informal), Dobro utro (morning), Dobar den (day), Dobar vecher (evening)

Burmese - mingalarba

Cambodian - Sour Sdey (informal), Jum Reap Sour (formal), good morning, Arun Sour Sdey, good afternoon Tivea Sour Sdey, good evening Sayoan Sour Sdey, good night Reatrey Sour Sdey, good bye Lea Hoy (informal), Jum Reap Lea (formal)

Cape-Verdean Creole - oi, olá

Catalan - hola (pronounced o-la), bon dia (pronounced bon dee-ah)good morning, bona tarda (bona tahr-dah) good afternoon, bona nit (bona neet)good night. You can also say just "Bones (bo-nahs) to make it informal.

Chamorro - hafa adai (hello/what's up?), hafa? (informal), howzzit bro/bran/prim/che'lu? (informal), sup (informal)and all other English greetings

Chichewa - moni bambo! (to a male), moni mayi! (to a female)

Chinese - 你好, Cantonese nei ho or lei ho (pronounced nay ho or lay ho) Mandarin 你好 (pronounced ni hao), 早上好(pronounced zao shang hao; good morning!)

Congo - mambo

Cree - Tansi (pronounced Dawnsay)

Croatian - bok (informal), dobro jutro (morning), dobar dan (day), dobra večer (evening), laku noć (night)

Czech - dobré ráno (until about 8 or 9 a.m.), dobrý den (formal), dobrý večer (evening), ahoj (informal; pronounced ahoy)

Danish - hej (informal; pronounced hey), god dag (formal), god aften (evening; formal), hejsa (very informal).

Double Dutch - hutch-e-lul-lul-o (hello), gug-o-o-dud mum-o-rug-nun-i-nun-gug (good morning; formal), gug-o-o-dud a-fuf-tut-e-rug-nun-o-o-nun (good afternoon; formal), gug-o-o-dud e-vuv-e-nun-i-nun-gug (good evening; formal)

Dutch - hoi (very informal), hallo (informal), goedendag (formal)

English - hello (formal), hi (informal), hey (informal,)

Esperanto - saluton (formal), sal (informal)

Estonian - tere'

Egyptian Arabic - Salaam Alekum'(sulam ulakume) (Goodbye) Ma Salaama (ma sulama) the "U" is pronounced its usual way(Example:up)

Fijian - bula uro

Finnish - hyvää päivää (formal), moi or hei (informal), moro (Tamperensis)

French - salut (informal; silent 't'), bonjour (formal, for daytime use; 'n' as a nasal vowel), bonsoir (good evening; 'n' is a nasal vowel), bonne nuit (good night). There is also "ça va", but this is more often used to mean "how are you?"

Gaelic - dia duit (informal; pronounced gee-ah ditch; literally "God be with you")

Georgian - gamardjoba

German - hallo (informal), Guten Tag (formal; pronounced gootan taag), Tag (very informal; pronounced taack).

Gujarathi - kem che

Greek - yia sou (pronounced yah-soo; informal), yia sas (formal)

Hausa - Ina kwaana? (How did you sleep? - informal) or Ina uni? (how's the day? - informal). Ina kwaanan ku? (formal) or Ina unin Ku (formal)

Hawaiian - aloha

Hebrew - shalom (means "hello", "goodbye" and "peace"), hi (informal), ma kore? (very informal, literally means "whats happening" or "whats up")

Hindi - नमस्ते, namaste (pronounced na-mus-thei)

Hungarian, Magyar - jo napot (pronounced yoh naput; daytime; formal), szervusz (pronounced sairvoose; informal), szia (pronounced seeya; informal)

Icelandic - góðan dag (formal; pronounced gothan dagg), hæ (informal)

Igbo - nde-ewo (pronounced enday aywo), nna-ewo (pronounced enna wo)

Indonesian - halo (hello), selamat pagi (morning), selamat siang (afternoon), selamat malam (evening)

Italian - ciào (pronounced chow; informal; also means "goodbye"), buon giorno (pronounced bwohn geeornoh; good morning; formal), buon pomeriggio (pronounced bwohn pohmehreejeeoh; good afternoon; formal), buona sera (pronounced bbwoonah sehrah; good evening; formal)

Japanese - おはよう ございます ohayoou gozaimasu (pronounced o-ha-yo (go-zai-mass); good morning), こんにちは konnichi wa (pronounced kong-nee-chee-wa; daytime or afternoon), こんばんは konbanwa (pronounced kong-ban-wa; evening); もし もし moshi moshi (pronounced moh-shee moh-shee; when calling/answering the phone); どうもう doumo (pronounced doh-moh; informal way of thanking/greeting, but means countless other things as well so only use when cont
2009-03-21 15:04:53 UTC
1.French – Bonjour

2. Spanish – Hola

3. Italian – Bon Giorno

4. German – Guten Tag

5. Chinese – Ni hao

6. Irish – Dia Duit

7. Hindi – Namaste

8. Russian – Zdravstvuite (pronounced Zdra-stvooy-tyeh)

9. Greek – Yia sou (Ya-soo)

10. Czech – Dobry rano

11. Japanese – Ohayou gozaimasu (pronounced O-ha-yoh go-za-ee-mas)

12. Hebrew – Shalom (this is used for hello, goodbye and peace)

13. Arabic-based languages – Marhabah

14. Swedish – Hej

15. Dutch – Goedendag

16. Swahili – Jambo

17. Vietnamese – Chao

18. Korean – Ahn nyeong ha se yo

19. Portuguese – Bom dia (Good Morning)

20. Finnish – Hyvää päivää
2009-03-21 15:04:01 UTC
Spanish: Hola

English: Hello

Lithuanian: Labas
2016-05-24 05:50:45 UTC
Yes, I agree. Even in Canada we say that Americans don't speak the same language. We all have different meanings for things. Another example is the french spoken in Paris is very different from that spoken in Quebec, Canada. I think we all make a variation of English. I still believe that the British speak true English! ♥D
2014-10-09 03:55:57 UTC
How do you say "hello" in different languages?

I'd just like to see the diversity!

I'd like answers to be one language per answer and preferably a language that hasn't already been posted. Please also include what language your "hello" is in, even pronuciation if you like!
2009-03-21 15:03:52 UTC
Bonjour - in french

Hola - in spanish

A hoyhoy - in old english, as Thomas Edison invented the word hello
2009-03-21 15:18:59 UTC


English: hello

Spanish: Hola

Hawi: Aloah.
2009-03-21 15:02:34 UTC
Aloha < Hawaii

It's For Hello And Goodbye
2009-03-21 15:10:06 UTC
Hi,hello ( Uk,where im from)

Bonjour (french)

salut (french)

bonsoir (french)

Hallo (German)

Gutentag (German)

buon giorno (italian-good morning)

Goddag (Danish)

Aloha (Hawaiian)

Oi (Portugeese)

Bore da (Welsh)

Just a few i know haha
2009-03-22 05:05:03 UTC
Thai :

Sa Wad Dee Ka (woman)

Sa Wad Dee Krab (man)
2009-03-21 15:04:46 UTC
Heisann- this is Norwegian means Hi there

and Helluen- also Norwegian, but it means Hello
♥ Líse
2009-03-21 15:08:04 UTC
Guten Tag - Deutsch
cisne n.egro
2009-03-21 15:03:31 UTC
In Brazilian Portuguese.


In Portuguese of Portugal.

"Está là"
2009-03-24 19:26:29 UTC
Namaste - Nepali

pronounce nah-mah-steh

I figured you'd had enough bonjour and guten tag!
2009-03-21 15:02:43 UTC
Hola - Spanish

Privjet - Russian
2009-03-21 20:44:45 UTC
in arabic or actually most of the muslim countries, you say,

as salamu alaikum

its literal meaning in arabic is something like "peace be upon you." that's how they greet eachother :D and the short for that is salam btw.
2009-03-21 15:04:15 UTC
Dia duit (Irish for hello)

Hola (Spanish for hello)

Nee How (Chinese for hello)

G'day mate (Australian for hello...just joking)

Bonjour (French for hello)

Gutantag (German for spelling seriously sucks!)

Kaneecheewa (Japanese for hello)

sorry for the obvious ones...thats all I can think of!
2009-03-21 15:03:29 UTC
Hola - Spanish

Hallo - German

Bonjour - French

Ciao - Italian

Nee how ma - Chinese

Konichiwa - Japanese

King James F
2009-03-21 15:03:18 UTC
Jambo is hello in Swahili
hortense h
2009-03-21 15:03:07 UTC
2009-03-21 15:03:22 UTC
Chinese: Ne How

Japanese: Konichiwa

Spanish: Hola

French: Bonjuer

Latin: SALVE!!! :D
another name
2009-03-21 15:04:12 UTC
2009-03-21 15:04:33 UTC
Russian: Prevet


(That's how you spell it in Russian)
2009-03-21 15:03:05 UTC
Ciao Bella!
2009-03-21 15:03:43 UTC
Gruß Gott.

It's Austrian German, it actually means "Greet God". It's pronounced 'Groose Got'.
2009-03-21 15:11:42 UTC

good morning= dzień dobry

2009-03-21 15:03:12 UTC
Ni Hao!
2009-03-21 16:19:00 UTC
Nyob Zoo (In my language, which is Hmong)
2009-03-21 15:04:25 UTC
Ni Hao! (Chinese) Pronounced (knee-how)

To say, 'Hello, how are you' it is pronounced (knee-how-bu-how).
2009-03-21 15:02:55 UTC

2009-03-25 13:55:58 UTC
эй! - Russian - Hey!

привет! - Russian - Hello!
2009-03-21 15:02:56 UTC
hola (spanish) dont pronounce the H. so its ounds like ola
2009-03-21 16:49:44 UTC
2009-03-21 15:03:25 UTC
hallo << In my Language :]
2009-03-21 15:02:17 UTC
hello hola shalom
2009-03-21 15:09:53 UTC
Nee How
2009-03-21 15:03:07 UTC
2009-03-25 10:36:34 UTC
its dia dhuit in irish
2009-03-21 15:03:02 UTC
hello if your chineiese
Peeta & Isabella εїз
2009-03-21 15:04:10 UTC
Konnichiwa :]
2009-03-22 02:54:01 UTC
Ciao! (Italian)
2009-03-21 15:03:28 UTC
Hallo- German
2009-03-21 15:09:02 UTC
salam (in urdu)

gutan tag! (german)

hola! (spanish)

that all i know. i hope that helps!
2009-03-23 04:11:43 UTC
nyob zoo

2009-03-21 15:03:12 UTC



but i'm persian so we say salam.
2009-03-21 15:02:01 UTC
2009-03-21 15:03:51 UTC
this is a great site for that... it has them all,3949,70000119,00.html
Bella <3
2009-03-21 15:03:40 UTC
Hola....aloha....ciao....konitiwa....hii.....lei homa.....bon jour....Idk...LOL

2009-03-21 15:02:35 UTC
2009-03-25 06:37:19 UTC
a girl
2009-03-21 15:03:49 UTC



2009-03-21 15:03:48 UTC




2009-03-21 15:03:36 UTC
look it up! hola is spanish....... gutentog is uh..... idc... and im not sure i spelled right
2009-03-21 15:02:26 UTC

2009-03-21 15:02:58 UTC
holla :]
2009-03-21 15:02:20 UTC
2009-03-21 15:05:32 UTC
japanese- kanechewa
2009-03-21 15:04:21 UTC
Afrikaans - haai (hello) pronounced Ha-i

Albanian - tungjatjeta pronounced To-gyat-yeta it means heave a long life or c'kemi (hi)

A'Leamona - tél nìdõ (good day) pronounced tehl-neye-doe

Arabic - subbah-el-kheir (good morning), masaa-el-khair (good evening): note that Kh is pronounced from the back of the throat. mArHAbAn (Hello) pronounced Mar-ha-ban

Armenian - barev or parev

Azerbaijani - salam (hello) pronounced Sa-lam

Bahamas – hello (formal), hi or heyello (informal), what you sayin', Buyh? (very informal - slang)

Basque - kaixo (pronounced kai-show), egun on (morning; pronounced egg-un own), gau on (night; pronounced gow own)

Bavarian and Austrian German - grüß Gott (pronounced gruess gott), servus (informal; also means "goodbye"; pronounced zair-voos)

Bengali — aas salamu alaay kum (In Botswana Dumeleng [formal]), wareng (Bangladesh [informal]), namaskar (In West Bengal, India)

Bremnian - koali (pronounced kowalee)

Bulgarian - zdravei, zdraveite (to many), zdrasti (informal), Dobro utro (morning), Dobar den (day), Dobar vecher (evening)

Burmese - mingalarba

Cambodian - Sour Sdey (informal), Jum Reap Sour (formal), good morning, Arun Sour Sdey, good afternoon Tivea Sour Sdey, good evening Sayoan Sour Sdey, good night Reatrey Sour Sdey, good bye Lea Hoy (informal), Jum Reap Lea (formal)

Cape-Verdean Creole - oi, olá

Catalan - hola (pronounced o-la), bon dia (pronounced bon dee-ah)good morning, bona tarda (bona tahr-dah) good afternoon, bona nit (bona neet)good night. You can also say just "Bones (bo-nahs) to make it informal.

Chamorro - hafa adai (hello/what's up?), hafa? (informal), howzzit bro/bran/prim/che'lu? (informal), sup (informal)and all other English greetings

Chichewa - moni bambo! (to a male), moni mayi! (to a female)

Chinese - 你好, Cantonese nei ho or lei ho (pronounced nay ho or lay ho) Mandarin 你好 (pronounced ni hao), 早上好(pronounced zao shang hao; good morning!)

Congo - mambo

Cree - Tansi (pronounced Dawnsay)

Croatian - bok (informal), dobro jutro (morning), dobar dan (day), dobra večer (evening), laku noć (night)

Czech - dobré ráno (until about 8 or 9 a.m.), dobrý den (formal), dobrý večer (evening), ahoj (informal; pronounced ahoy)

Danish - hej (informal; pronounced hey), god dag (formal), god aften (evening; formal), hejsa (very informal).

Double Dutch - hutch-e-lul-lul-o (hello), gug-o-o-dud mum-o-rug-nun-i-nun-gug (good morning; formal), gug-o-o-dud a-fuf-tut-e-rug-nun-o-o-nun (good afternoon; formal), gug-o-o-dud e-vuv-e-nun-i-nun-gug (good evening; formal)

Dutch - hoi (very informal), hallo (informal), goedendag (formal)

English - hello (formal), hi (informal), hey (informal,)

Esperanto - saluton (formal), sal (informal)

Estonian - tere'

Egyptian Arabic - Salaam Alekum'(sulam ulakume) (Goodbye) Ma Salaama (ma sulama) the "U" is pronounced its usual way(Example:up)

Fijian - bula uro

Finnish - hyvää päivää (formal), moi or hei (informal), moro (Tamperensis)

French - salut (informal; silent 't'), bonjour (formal, for daytime use; 'n' as a nasal vowel), bonsoir (good evening; 'n' is a nasal vowel), bonne nuit (good night). There is also "ça va", but this is more often used to mean "how are you?"

Gaelic - dia duit (informal; pronounced gee-ah ditch; literally "God be with you")

Georgian - gamardjoba

German - hallo (informal), Guten Tag (formal; pronounced gootan taag), Tag (very informal; pronounced taack).

Gujarathi - kem che

Greek - yia sou (pronounced yah-soo; informal), yia sas (formal)

Hausa - Ina kwaana? (How did you sleep? - informal) or Ina uni? (how's the day? - informal). Ina kwaanan ku? (formal) or Ina unin Ku (formal)

Hawaiian - aloha

Hebrew - shalom (means "hello", "goodbye" and "peace"), hi (informal), ma kore? (very informal, literally means "whats happening" or "whats up")

Hindi - नमस्ते, namaste (pronounced na-mus-thei)

Hungarian, Magyar - jo napot (pronounced yoh naput; daytime; formal), szervusz (pronounced sairvoose; informal), szia (pronounced seeya; informal)

Icelandic - góðan dag (formal; pronounced gothan dagg), hæ (informal)

Igbo - nde-ewo (pronounced enday aywo), nna-ewo (pronounced enna wo)

Indonesian - halo (hello), selamat pagi (morning), selamat siang (afternoon), selamat malam (evening)

Italian - ciào (pronounced chow; informal; also means "goodbye"), buon giorno (pronounced bwohn geeornoh; good morning; formal), buon pomeriggio (pronounced bwohn pohmehreejeeoh; good afternoon; formal), buona sera (pronounced bbwoonah sehrah; good evening; formal)

Japanese - おはよう ございます ohayoou gozaimasu (pronounced o-ha-yo (go-zai-mass); good morning), こんにちは konnichi wa (pronounced kong-nee-chee-wa; daytime or afternoon), こんばんは konbanwa (pronounced kong-ban-wa; evening); もし もし moshi moshi (pronounced moh-shee moh-shee; when calling/answering the phone); どうもう doumo (pronounced doh-moh; informal way of thanking/greeting, but means countless other things as well so only use when context makes sense)

Jibberish - huthegelluthego,
Nick H
2009-03-21 15:03:12 UTC
Afrikaans - haai (hello) pronounced Ha-i

Albanian - tungjatjeta pronounced To-gyat-yeta it means heave a long life or c'kemi (hi)

A'Leamona - tél nìdõ (good day) pronounced tehl-neye-doe

Arabic - subbah-el-kheir (good morning), masaa-el-khair (good evening): note that Kh is pronounced from the back of the throat. mArHAbAn (Hello) pronounced Mar-ha-ban

Armenian - barev or parev

Azerbaijani - salam (hello) pronounced Sa-lam

Bahamas – hello (formal), hi or heyello (informal), what you sayin', Buyh? (very informal - slang)

Basque - kaixo (pronounced kai-show), egun on (morning; pronounced egg-un own), gau on (night; pronounced gow own)

Bavarian and Austrian German - grüß Gott (pronounced gruess gott), servus (informal; also means "goodbye"; pronounced zair-voos)

Bengali — aas salamu alaay kum (In Botswana Dumeleng [formal]), wareng (Bangladesh [informal]), namaskar (In West Bengal, India)

Bremnian - koali (pronounced kowalee)

Bulgarian - zdravei, zdraveite (to many), zdrasti (informal), Dobro utro (morning), Dobar den (day), Dobar vecher (evening)

Burmese - mingalarba

Cambodian - Sour Sdey (informal), Jum Reap Sour (formal), good morning, Arun Sour Sdey, good afternoon Tivea Sour Sdey, good evening Sayoan Sour Sdey, good night Reatrey Sour Sdey, good bye Lea Hoy (informal), Jum Reap Lea (formal)

Cape-Verdean Creole - oi, olá

Catalan - hola (pronounced o-la), bon dia (pronounced bon dee-ah)good morning, bona tarda (bona tahr-dah) good afternoon, bona nit (bona neet)good night. You can also say just "Bones (bo-nahs) to make it informal.

Chamorro - hafa adai (hello/what's up?), hafa? (informal), howzzit bro/bran/prim/che'lu? (informal), sup (informal)and all other English greetings

Chichewa - moni bambo! (to a male), moni mayi! (to a female)

Chinese - 你好, Cantonese nei ho or lei ho (pronounced nay ho or lay ho) Mandarin 你好 (pronounced ni hao), 早上好(pronounced zao shang hao; good morning!)

Congo - mambo

Cree - Tansi (pronounced Dawnsay)

Croatian - bok (informal), dobro jutro (morning), dobar dan (day), dobra večer (evening), laku noć (night)

Czech - dobré ráno (until about 8 or 9 a.m.), dobrý den (formal), dobrý večer (evening), ahoj (informal; pronounced ahoy)

Danish - hej (informal; pronounced hey), god dag (formal), god aften (evening; formal), hejsa (very informal).

Double Dutch - hutch-e-lul-lul-o (hello), gug-o-o-dud mum-o-rug-nun-i-nun-gug (good morning; formal), gug-o-o-dud a-fuf-tut-e-rug-nun-o-o-nun (good afternoon; formal), gug-o-o-dud e-vuv-e-nun-i-nun-gug (good evening; formal)

Dutch - hoi (very informal), hallo (informal), goedendag (formal)

English - hello (formal), hi (informal), hey (informal,)

Esperanto - saluton (formal), sal (informal)

Estonian - tere'

Egyptian Arabic - Salaam Alekum'(sulam ulakume) (Goodbye) Ma Salaama (ma sulama) the "U" is pronounced its usual way(Example:up)

Fijian - bula uro

Finnish - hyvää päivää (formal), moi or hei (informal), moro (Tamperensis)

French - salut (informal; silent 't'), bonjour (formal, for daytime use; 'n' as a nasal vowel), bonsoir (good evening; 'n' is a nasal vowel), bonne nuit (good night). There is also "ça va", but this is more often used to mean "how are you?"

Gaelic - dia duit (informal; pronounced gee-ah ditch; literally "God be with you")

Georgian - gamardjoba

German - hallo (informal), Guten Tag (formal; pronounced gootan taag), Tag (very informal; pronounced taack).

Gujarathi - kem che

Greek - yia sou (pronounced yah-soo; informal), yia sas (formal)

Hausa - Ina kwaana? (How did you sleep? - informal) or Ina uni? (how's the day? - informal). Ina kwaanan ku? (formal) or Ina unin Ku (formal)

Hawaiian - aloha

Hebrew - shalom (means "hello", "goodbye" and "peace"), hi (informal), ma kore? (very informal, literally means "whats happening" or "whats up")

Hindi - नमस्ते, namaste (pronounced na-mus-thei)

Hungarian, Magyar - jo napot (pronounced yoh naput; daytime; formal), szervusz (pronounced sairvoose; informal), szia (pronounced seeya; informal)

Icelandic - góðan dag (formal; pronounced gothan dagg), hæ (informal)

Igbo - nde-ewo (pronounced enday aywo), nna-ewo (pronounced enna wo)

Indonesian - halo (hello), selamat pagi (morning), selamat siang (afternoon), selamat malam (evening)

Italian - ciào (pronounced chow; informal; also means "goodbye"), buon giorno (pronounced bwohn geeornoh; good morning; formal), buon pomeriggio (pronounced bwohn pohmehreejeeoh; good afternoon; formal), buona sera (pronounced bbwoonah sehrah; good evening; formal)

Japanese - おはよう ございます ohayoou gozaimasu (pronounced o-ha-yo (go-zai-mass); good morning), こんにちは konnichi wa (pronounced kong-nee-chee-wa; daytime or afternoon), こんばんは konbanwa (pronounced kong-ban-wa; evening); もし もし moshi moshi (pronounced moh-shee moh-shee; when calling/answering the phone); どうもう doumo (pronounced doh-moh; informal way of thanking/greeting, but means countless other things as well so only use when cont

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