2009-12-13 21:34:48 UTC
suggestions are more than welcome
many thanx
"Miss Jean Brodie, the self dramatizing controversial teacher, in Muriel Spark’s novel, The prime of Miss Jean Brodie, dedicates her life to putting old heads on her young favorite six students shoulders by imposing her ideas and beliefs. She is obsessed with the notion that they should look up to her and consider her as a role model, a person who they should emulate. She encourages them to imitate her persona, beliefs, and her views on life and politics. She says,” Deep in most of us is the potential for greatness or the potential to inspire greatness.” Miss Brodie believes herself to be great and is to some extent complied to inspire greatness. However she fails to recognize each of her prepubescent students’ identity, and deprives them from the right of forming their own unique personalities. She only aids them to become what she wants them to become. Miss Brodie knows that only way for her to shine and to lead instead of being a follower as she has been for her entire world, and to be someone else’s role model is by Becoming a teacher in an elementary school. She knows that girls in that age are perfect to practice power and authority over; to dictate and direct, for they know little and their minds are blank. They won’t question her for she is after all a teacher, she says, “I am a teacher! First, last, always!.” Taking advantage of her position Miss Jaen starts to mold their minds and shaping their characters to be like hers and sets to be a wrong model for these young girls. Aristotle argues that people have an inbuilt tendency towards behaving correctly, morally. He goes on to state that people learn morals by observing the morals of those they look up to and model themselves on, and through continued practice one becomes virtuous, or moralled! He then goes on to point out that even role models have non optimum morals and that our own ideas of right and wrong are influenced by theirs. He also states that as youngsters have a tendency to look for role models or someone they can associate with and aspire to be, then one needs to set a good example around youth."