I'm having difficulty picking a language to take.?
2006-10-21 12:24:19 UTC
I've taken spanish for about 4 years, but now i want to switch into a new language. I know how to speak English and Korean fluently. I'm trying to decide between either taking German or Japanese. Please tell me which one I should take, based on the relative difficulty of the language, the enjoyment of learning that language, and the potential usefulness of that language in the near future. Thanks.
Twelve answers:
2006-10-21 12:35:25 UTC
Take Sign Language. It's just as important as any language and thought it's not universal, there is a very high demand, pays very well too. I know one lady who has been called to Supreme Courts paid $5K and up for each use.

you can get paid good money being an interpreter! Government, courts and public safety personnel are always looking for "Sign Language Interpreter's."
2006-10-21 12:37:49 UTC
Since you speak Korean many of the problems people who speak European languages only have are much easier for you. Since you speak English and Spanish, another European language wouldn't be that difficult for you. You are already used to conjugation of the verbs, just like in German, in German nouns are declined.

Which language will be more important for you now and in the future? Japanese might be more important especially if you find yourself in the Pacific Rim area. German might be more important if you are closer to Europe.

Why not both?
2016-09-01 04:29:56 UTC
Not in any respect. Being younger is the high-quality time to be taught extraordinary languages. I was once born to an English father and a Spanish mom and was once introduced up with each languages and had no issues whatever. My cousin is in a identical hindrance however as she lives in Andorra by way of the age of five-6 she spoke 4 languages fluently: Catalan, Spanish, English and French. I am very glad to had been introduced up with 2 languages and I certainly love that I have learnt approximately 2 very extraordinary cultures.
2006-10-21 12:32:38 UTC
I take German and I think that you should choose whichever you are more likely to use later on in life. I took German because I am planning on visiting germany after highschool, but if you want to go to japan take that! I personally find german of a medium difficulty, and I hear that japanese is very difficult. So if your looking for an easy way out, take german! :)
100% EspaƱol
2006-10-21 12:28:11 UTC
It depends in a way English and German are related so if you are good at english choose german

And im pretty sure Korean and Japanese have some similarities if you are good at korean choose japanese!

I hop I helped
2006-10-21 12:37:01 UTC
I learned german in university , i don't know about the other languages youn speak but german is backwards and somewhat hard to get the hang of. the accent is aukward. but if you have learned other languages then either should be no problem. if it is career wise, then all depends on travel, clients, etc.
2006-10-21 12:37:09 UTC
German! its a awsome language similar to english in many respects andis very easy to learn, its useful for impressing people sometimes lol.
2006-10-21 12:27:52 UTC
Japanese and German are definatley a challenge, i would go with German just because it could be a little bit eaiser. Good Luck!
Sea Mist
2006-10-21 14:40:07 UTC
Learn Arabic. I believe it's the language of the future, and it's lovely and logical.
2006-10-21 12:29:53 UTC
Have you thought about Chinese? China is quickly developing so it may be useful to learn the language to facilitate business with its people.
enchuush n
2006-10-21 13:45:47 UTC
it depends...if u live in america and soon u wanna visit german tehn choose german... if u live in korea and u wanna visit...japan then choose japanese...i like japanese...i think japenese is like soft and smooth and german is rough and loud...listen to some examples on the internet and c which one suonds better...
2006-10-21 12:31:13 UTC
Take the course that, in your lifetime, you will most likely travel to that country.

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