Can anyone give me some useful Japanese phrases for me to say please?
2006-11-30 12:49:09 UTC
Can they be written so I can pronounce them correctly and also what they mean, thank you!
Sixteen answers:
2006-11-30 12:53:38 UTC
Leave me alone.

ほっといて。 (hottoite.)

Don't touch me!

さわらないで! (sawaranaide!)

I'll call the police.

警察をよびます。 (keisatsu o yobimasu)


警察! (keisatsu)

Stop! Thief!

待て! どろぼう! (mate! dorobō!)

I need your help.

たすけてください。 (tasukete kudasai)

It's an emergency.

緊急です。 (kinkyū desu)

I'm lost.

迷子です。 (maigo desu)

I lost my bag.

かばんをなくしました。 (kaban o nakushimashita)

I dropped my wallet.

財布をおとしました。 (saifu o otoshimashita)

I'm sick.

病気です。 (byōki desu)

I've been injured.

けがしました。 (kega shimashita)

Please call a doctor.

医者を呼んでください。 (isha o yonde kudasai)

Can I use your phone?

電話を使っていいですか? (denwa o tsukatte iidesuka)

Not sure if Japanese characters will show up here
2006-12-01 00:28:13 UTC
It is not hard to learn Japanese pronounciation except for the 'r' sound. Here is the way it works: On a blank paper you make a grid and then starting at the right and writing down you write the vowel sounds one on each line: a, i, u, e and o. Move one column to your left and then write ka, ki, ku, ke and ko one to each line... next column wrtie sa, shi (si), su, se and so (You should now have three columns starting at your right hand side of the page and moving left. If you read the line with the a it should read (backwards from English) a ka sa... " sa ka a" ) continue doing this for ta, chi, tsu, te and to; na, ni, nu, ne, no; ha, hi, fu, he, ho; ma, mi mu, me, mo; ya .. yu .. yo; ra, ri, ru, re, ro; wa .. .. .. wo; n and you have the basic sounds of Japanese minus the consonants z j d b p and so on and the vowels they join with to make syllables.

Anyway, what I am saying is that you could learn the sounds for most of the expressions in the time you could figure out how to pronounce them.

Then I don't know your situation... but, learning Japanese starts with the polite words you would need to start a conversation or ask a question.

You have to start somewhere.

Excuse me == gomen kudasai. you want to ask a question of a person.

Excuse me == shitsurei itashimasu. You lost your head or are about to and you are excusing yourself.

Excuse me == gomen nasai. You bumped someone -- not seriously but enough that you need to say something.

Dozo osaki ni == you met someone at the door at the same time and offer to allow them to proceed first. You can sometimes just say 'dozo' and get your point across.

Here is the one with the tricky 'r' -- goenryo naku == you ask some one to make himself comfortable/ not to stand on ceremony.

Domo arigatou gozaimasu. == thank you very much

do itashimashite == you are welcome.

irasshai mase == what the sushi guys are saying when you enter "Come in!" It is a polite command.

Ogenki desu ka? == How are you? You are asking somebody.

genki desu. == I am fine.

nan desu ka? == what is it?

sore wa nan desu ka? what is that? points to a thing the other person has.

kore wa nan desu ka? what is this? something you have or hold.

Onamae wa nan desu ka? what's your name?

Watashi wa kurisu desu. I am Chris.

Dozo yoroshiku ... Please be good (to make my aquaintance).

ojigi == a bow. Something Japanese do a lot of. And, you should too if you are speaking it.

*** wa nihongo de nanto iimasu ka == How do you say *** in Japanese?

Sore wa dou iu imi desu ka == What does that mean?

If you are going to go on, you know, it would help you very much to start to learn the syllables of hiragana. These you should be able to write at will and by the time you can you should know how to pronounce each. I don't think it would take you long and there are many sites to show you how to write them.

More advice -- don't ask what time it is unless you know how to tell time in Japanese, etc.

moto yukkuri hanashite kudasai. == Please speak slower (I have never remembered to use it but it seems to be handy enough.)

sore o romaji de kaite kudasai Please write it in western style letters.

kore o hiragana de kaite kudasai. Please write this in hiragana.
2006-11-30 20:55:25 UTC
hello - Kon-nichiwa

goodbye - Sayounara

see you - jaamataashita

good morning - O hayou gozaimasu

good evening - Konbanwa

good night - Oyasuminasai

yes - Hai

no - Iie

thanks - Arigato

not at all - Douitashimashite

please - Douzo

excuse me - shitsurei shimasu

i dont understand - Wakarimasen

how are you? - O-genki desu ka

fine - Ii, Yoi

bad - Warui, Yokunai

so so - Souda neh

breakfast - Chohshoku

dinner - Yuushoku
David T
2006-12-01 06:23:02 UTC
watashi wa opai suki desu (wah-tah-she wah oh-pie ski dess). Shout it in a Japanese restaurant or something. It means "I like breasts."

I'm joking, don't use it. Unless you are among friends or something and want to be funny. If that is the case, I can give you a few more hahaha
2006-11-30 22:57:01 UTC
Nihongo ga dekimasu ka? - Can you speak Japanese?

Hai - yes

Lie - no

Nihongo ga, sukoshi hanasemasu.- I speak a litle Japanese.

Nihongo wa, wakarimasen.- I don't understand Japanese.

Eigo ga wakarimasu ka.- Do you understand English?

Eigo o hanashimasu ka - Do you speak English?

Mo ichido onegai shimasu - Could you repeat it, please?

Moshi moshi. - Hello ( to be used on the phone or to get someone's attention.)

Li desu yo.- I don't mind.

Gomennasai - I'm sorry (apology)

Lie, kekko desu. - No, thank you.

A, so desu ka. - Oh, I see.

Sumimasen ga, tasukete itadakemasen ka.- Excuse me, could you help me, please?
2006-12-02 06:40:21 UTC
Onamae Wa: What's your name?

Informal bye: ja ne!

Do you speak english?: eigo ga hanasemasuka?

please say it in english: eigo de itte kudasai

no I don’t understand: iie, wakarimasen

please speak slowly: yukkuri hanashite kudasai

what are you doing?: nani wo shiteirundesuka?

What happened?: Doushitano?

are you busy?: Isogashii desu ka?

What do you want to do now?: kore kara nani wo shitai desu ka?
2006-11-30 20:56:20 UTC
2006-11-30 20:54:29 UTC
genki desu ka? (how are you)

Hi, genki desu (yes im fine)

iie, genki dewa arimasen. (no, im not.)

To pronounce the Rs theyre actually Ls.

And the I part is actually more of an E
2006-11-30 20:50:47 UTC
Makooyaa ! Ready for any unexpected moves in the energy market
2006-11-30 20:52:55 UTC
How about "....Em, I'll have a number 43, no number 44 with a 32 and chips"
2006-11-30 20:51:44 UTC
Sodeska Hai - I understand yes.

Oregato - thank you

Sionora - good bye
2006-11-30 20:50:06 UTC
Domo arigato Mr. Roboto..... DOMO..... DOMO
2006-11-30 20:51:37 UTC

translation: hamburger
2006-11-30 20:51:10 UTC
KARAOKE. i love shouting it out load. try it. its fun.
2006-11-30 20:52:15 UTC
chipsawvingaw, no, sorry thats Chinese.
2006-11-30 22:46:55 UTC
おはようございます - ohayou gozaimasu - good morning

こんにちは - konnichiwa - good afternoon

こんばんは - konbanwa - good evening

おやすみなさい - oyasuminasai - good night! (said when going to bed)

もしもし - moshi moshi - Hello (said when answering the phone)

どなたですか - donata desu ka? - Who is this?

さようなら - sayounara - Good bye

何時ですか。 - nanji desu ka? - what time is it?

日本語は話しません。 - nihongo wa hanashimasen - I cannot speak Japanese

英語を話しますか。 - eigo o hanashimasu ka - Can you speak English?

[place / thing] はどこですか。 - [place / thing] wa doko desu ka - Where is [place / thing]?

分かりません - wakarimasen - I don't understand

どうもありがとう! - doumo arigatou! - thank you!

アメリカ人です。 - Amerika jin desu - I'm American

カナダ人です。 - Kanada jin desu - I'm Canadian

イギリス人です。 - Igirisu jin desu - I'm English

いくらですか。 - ikura desu ka - How much is it?

とおいですか。 - tooi desu ka? - Is it far?

はい。 - hai - yes

いいえ。 - iie - no

いいえ、けっこうです。 - iie, kekkou desu - No, thank you [I'm fine]

何て言いましたか。 - nante iimashita ka - What did you say?

もっとゆっくり話してくれませんか。 - motto yukkuri hanashite kuremasen ka? - Can you speak a bit slower?

もう一どう言っませんか。 mou ichi dou ittemasenka - Will you repeat that once more?

てつだってくれませんか。 -tetsu datte kuremasen ka - Can you help me?

高いですか。 - takai desu ka? - Is it expensive?

これは私のです。 - kore wa watashi no desu - This is mine

それは私のありません。 - sore wa watashi no arimasen - That isn't mine

ごめんさい! - gomen nasai! - I'm sorry!

しつれいします。 - shitsurei shimasu - Excuse me

For ordering food, just say the name of the food or point at its picture and say "onegai shimasu".

Same with drinks.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.