the ESV and NASB translations are used in english speaking countries in protestant churches and were designed for popular use without eliminating some of the more nuanced writing found in other more arcane translations. there are two versions of the bible in italian that meet similar requirements:
the giovanni diodati translation (from the 1600s) is the most commonly used bible in italian protestantism, but this would be more similar to the KJV than to the ones you cited. still, just like the KJV, it's the de facto bible for protestantism and uses somewhat more modern writing.
however, a new version of the diodati, appropriately called the "nuova diodati," was created in the 90s to conform more to the conventions of contemporary spoken italian. because of its pathway of translation (ie, an adaptation of an already-translated document) and the fact that it deliberately uses more accessible modern writing, this the one that is probably closest in spirit to the ESV or NASB.
finally, though, please note that protestantism is not common in italy, and the vast majority of the populace reads the CEI bible--the italian catholic bible.