English is a Germanic language. American English came from BRITISH people settling into the New World and that is how American English even first started to exist.
You could say that British English is older than American English but I think that is a stupid question. They both are the same language but with minor differences that have mainly to do with vocabulary and slight differences in culture. Also, accent and pronunciation is a key thing that make them different also.
Also, Shakespeare was British but he didn't even speak the exact same type of English spoken in Britain today. The English language has changed so much.
Here's a link about the English language: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Old_English
It'll tell you about the origins of the English language and hopefully it will enlighten you some.
Also, no were aren't. Stop asking that. I can't believe you actually would ask something that makes such little sense.
Actually, no one is closer to anything about English. The language has changed so much it is beyond astounding.