I've got to iron today. I can't be tonight on-line, only tomorrow (in day time). In the evening I've got to be at English school. Everything is OK. I feel kinda tired today. I wanna sleep. Tomorrow I'll go to a store to search for trainers. Yesterday Joseph called me on skype. We were laughing loudly until we couldn't breath, or to be more precisely, I laughed to his jokes. He has a camera. The next time we'll chat via the camera. That's all news. Congratulations with the first winter day.
У меня сегодня глажка. Не смогу быть вечером в интернете. Завтра только днём смогу. Вечером у меня школа английская. Всё хорошо. Что-то я устала. Спать хочу. Завтра поуду в магазин искать кроссовки. Вчера вечером по skypе мне Джосеф (Joseph) звонил. Ржали до слёз, точнее я, а он приколы мочил. Камера у него есть. В следующий раз по камере болтать будем. Вот и все новости. С первым днём зимы.
My comments:
It's a spoken Russian.
iskat (искать) - to choose/to buy
krossovki (кроссовки) - running shoes, trainers
I'm not sure what does she mean as "camera", a smartphone or something like that, perhaps
shkola angliskaia (школа английская) - English school, can be an English course.
rzali (pжали) - literally "neighed", it's common to say that meanining "laughed loudly"