2011-10-01 20:45:24 UTC
Secondly, I can't roll my r's. I'd rather learn a language where the trill r isn't a big part of it (Spanish and Russian aren't on my list of languages to learn just to give you an idea ;D).
And finally, I'd like to learn a language similar to the English structure. I don't have a problem with Japanese, Chinese, Arabic, etc. I'd just rather learn something from one of the European countries. Even something like Icelandic would be okay...
Could someone please help me figure out what a good language would be?
P.S. I'm 14 and don't mind putting in the effort to learn a new language. I just can't buy any special software or anything like that. This is more of a "I'd like to do this in my spare time but it may also benefit me in the future" sort of thing.