I want to become a Master in English Speaking. Please please help me.?
2013-12-18 01:37:50 UTC

I am 27 years old. I am very upset and embarrassed with myself. I am not able to speak English fluently / spontaneously. I am trying to improve but lot of problems are coming in my way. I am not getting time to study as I am doing job from 9 am to 9 pm (in my office no one speaks English) and I am not able to improve as they speak other language. When I am going home, my mom, my sisters not letting me to study and they are telling me to do household works. I have friends but they don’t speak English so I can’t improve there also. I am ashamed of myself that even after studying Bachelor of Commerce that to in English medium, I am not able to speak properly. My problem is that I am getting nervous while speaking and hesitating a lot while speaking. When I was in (Primary & High) school, my school management didn't give stress on English speaking, from there onwards I have become poor in English. I don’t know what should I do now? I can't go to spoken English classes as they will give too much stress on grammar. Please anybody there give me an honest reply. I will be very thankful to all of you. What should be my game plan to conquer English. I have time constraints as I am working individual (Office and home people are very disturbing and they are not helping me either). I want to become Master in English speaking. Please help. I am crying for your help.

Thanks & warm regards......
Twelve answers:
2013-12-18 18:02:38 UTC
Hello there,

Few things:

- You are not the first person to face this problem, so, please do not feel low.

- I see you write well. Your grammar is also kind of perfect.

- Have you ever noticed, why you are not able to speak English but any other language for example your regional language(for example Hindi). This is because, you think in that language.

So, Start thinking in English. Nothing is gonna help you until unless you bring this within yourself. (Nothing means Nothing like reading newspaper, watching TV programs etc)

Start thinking in English, you will automatically start speaking in English fluently. You do not need to talk to some one to make your English good.

This theory stands true for not only English but any other language in world. Slowly keep on building up your vocabulary which is one of your next step. Proceed like this.

Good luck!

2016-11-05 04:49:27 UTC
How To Master English Language
Don Verto
2013-12-18 07:13:00 UTC
Never mind all the other people in your life.Learning a language is a very personal thing that only you can do.If you want to do it then it becomes your responsibility.You are probably a very young person yet and it will take many years to learn a language.I started English when I was 12 and now I am 74 I could never say I mastered English but I am pretty good.I use it every day and I have used it to earn my living and raise my family.However I still make lots of mistakes and yet I have used English for many more years than most Canadians.
2013-12-19 09:00:33 UTC
For that you will have to die and be reborn in some English speaking country like USA or UK.

If nobody in your environment speaks English then for what purpose you need it? You said nobody in your office speaks English so it means you were able to find employment by not knowing English. And that is the main reason in India why people want to learn English. And even if you are looking for better and higher paying job you can do good with whatever English you know and judging by your question you know enough. If you are looking for native English speakers like accent then it is next to impossible and only possible if you live in some English speaking country.
2013-12-18 04:26:28 UTC
The best way to learn how to speak good Indian English, or British English, or American English is to make friends with good speakers of those versions of English. Spend a lot of time in their company listening to how they use the language in everyday situations, and ask them to be brutal in pointuing out any unusdual forms that you use. Note that Indian, British, and American Englishes do differ quite markedly.

Also watching good TV, listening to the radio, and reading good newspapers will help.
2013-12-18 01:44:01 UTC
You should not be feeling any shame. You write very well. And your attitude is excellent. This will serve you well. Do not give up!

Are there any websites that you can download English practice programs into your iPad? If there are, you could be listening to instruction in verbal English. You could practice in your car. You could practice at your meal break at work, and at home. Keep practicing and never give up. Or, buy CD's for your car stereo so you can practice while you drive. There must be practice lesson CD's you can follow.
2013-12-18 06:07:01 UTC
This is what you can do in order to improve your language skills (especially if English is not your native language):

Actually, broadening/improving one's language skills is a very broad concept, it should be done in more than one ways at the same time which is highly recommended. One can NOT become better ONLY in one area, say, speaking, one MUST improve skills in ALL dimensions of the language!

Learning language well requires being as active as possible and making the learning as FUN for oneself as possible. Taking lessons is always important, but equally important are these:

1) Listen/watch: Keep listening to internet radio stations like BBC, watch TV shows in English (use only subtitles, NOT voice dubbing in case you are not a native English speaker!), etc.

2) Write/communicate: Try to find discussion forums from the web about things that you find interesting and FUN (music/various artists, hobbies, etc.) and start communicating there with other people using only English. Start using instant messaging systems in case you find some new friends or start emailing them. Please do NOT be afraid of making mistakes or hesitating, because even native speakers do make mistakes and do hesitate at times! The more you enjoy communicating, the better!

3) Buy yourself a proper dictionary, and each time when you see a strange word that you do not understand, look it up. Putting words into their CONTEXT is one of the best ways to broaden one's vocabulary and grammar knowledge, the more you read and write the better. Memorising is NOT the best way to go with learning vocabulary, grammar or any other language areas! For idioms, you should buy an all-English dictionary which explains the words in English and shows you examples of how to use the words in their REAL context.

The main point in ANY language learning is to make it as fun as possible for yourself. Try to find topics that INTEREST you, read online newspapers (Times, Guardian, Independent...), listen to BBC/NBC and other radio stations online, if you find a discussion forum for e.g. your favourite hobby or your idols in music do participate there, etc. The key word here is CONTEXT, which means that it is easier to learn new words and their usage as well as grammar when you use/see them in their real CONTEXT. The more you see and hear the new words in their context and the more you use them in your speech & writing, the easier it becomes to remember their meanings and correct spelling. Do NOT be afraid of making mistakes though, because even native speakers do make mistakes and do hesitate at times!

I'm sorry there is NO EASY WAY out with this, one really must develop language skills in ALL these language "levels" or dimensions in order to reach better language skills!!

Last but not least: NEVER EVER use ANY online translators, they are nothing but utter rubbish!! English is practically EVERYWHERE in the online world these days, you just have to use your imagination to find it! Learning pace is always personal, it takes the time it takes so there is no reason to hurry it up too much. If you do, you will not learn so well. Also, please learn the basics of the standard English first before advancing to finer details like dialects/accents. A word of warning though: Do stay well away from overrated, overpriced and overhyped language "gimmicks" such as Rosetta Stone, they really are NOT worth for checking out! Also, never mind about your accent, as the main goal for you is that others understand you and you being able to understand other speakers.

Best of luck!
2013-12-18 03:01:14 UTC
you need to get some English speaking friends and just practice. Your writing is very good so you really are doing very well I would not worry
2013-12-18 01:47:13 UTC
Listen to English programs on TV and compare with your native language translations. Start with any Channel you like and then compare news channel audio.
2016-03-12 01:34:46 UTC
Read aloud. Get a cam friend. Play online MMO with voice chat option =D
2014-10-09 03:14:21 UTC
My native language is tamil, please help me how can i improve my English speaking skill. I would like to speak good English.
** Do We Love Stars **
2013-12-19 05:54:17 UTC
watch BBC TV and get to read TOEFL books

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.