translate short text from Czech to English?
2011-06-15 07:10:47 UTC

I tried with online translators but the result is complete nonsense ...thank you for translation this short message to English

"Posílám Vám milá slečno srdečný pozdrav a vzpomínku
z Litovle ! dojela jsem štastně i s brusinkami, za
které mám od maminky viřídit srdečné díky a mnoho pozdravů.
- Teď se mi už u nás nelíbí, vše zde tak uprášené a u Vás
tak svěží. Mohla jsem tam raději ještě zůstat, viďte !
Jak strávila jste posvícení ? Jistě jste tančila až do rána ! -
Zdraví a vzpomíná Olga."
Three answers:
2011-06-15 13:16:56 UTC
two corrections on previous poster

"dojela jsem štastně i s brusinkami" = "I arrived happily with the cranberries"

you were probably thinking of "dojedla" = "finished eating", but then the sentence stops making sense, and why would then her *mother* send the thanks

"Zdraví a vzpomíná" = "greetings and remembrances", lit. "greets and remembers"

"zdraví" here is the 3rd person sg. present of the verb zdravit, not the neuter noun meaning health
First L
2011-06-15 08:19:39 UTC
I send you warm greetings and remembrances

from Litovel, lovely lady! I gladly finished all the cranberries, for

which my mother sends heartfelt thanks and many greetings.

- Now, I do not like it here, everything is so musty here, and over by you

it is so fresh. How I would prefer to stay there, you see!

How did you spend your holiday? Surely you danced all night! -

Health and remembrances, Olga.
2016-05-15 02:01:57 UTC
Ciao, anch' io sono italiana ma con l' inglese me la cavo. Infatti a settembre inizierò l' università e studierò lingue! Perciò se ti va mi puoi mandare l' e-mail e io proverò a tradurti il testo...

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