Why do stupid Americans only speak one language?
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2016-02-15 19:06:38 UTC
I'm from Sweden and I speak Swedish, English, and German. Most people from my country speak even more than three languages.
284 answers:
2016-02-16 22:30:21 UTC
The actual answer to this, without all the jingoistic bravado, is very simple friend. European countries are all basically very small, essentially the size of American states. But there is a tremendous amount of linguistic diversity in Europe and very little to be found in North America. English is the predominant language for a thousand miles in any direction from where I'm sitting tonight (Memphis, Tennessee). Yes, due to immigration from Mexico, Spanish has become a bit of a secondary language in this country but besides that, with the exception of French spoken in Quebec, Canada, there is no practical need or reason to learn or know any other languages. It isn't a matter of being dumb or stupid, there just literally is no reason for it. I could learn German this year and spend the next 3 decades never conversing with it, because it isn't spoken anywhere on this continent. There's zero practicality. That's the reason. Just, why do it? Everyone speaks English here.
2016-02-18 10:25:01 UTC
I'm a 14 year old American girl who can speak Japanese, however I do so on my own time. I take Chinese for school but retaining it is hard bc as others have said its not enough time. Also, because not many Americans are bilingual it's not like you can freely practice a language often. If you want to learn a language you're better off doing so by your own methods in America. In Europe because so many people speak more than one language, you're more likely to find someone who has a language in common with you, unlike in US which is a problem I've faced. Despite the whole "stupid American" label there are plenty of us who do want to learn another language and are motivated. I'm not saying that they're aren't stupid Americans, believe me, I know there are. The school systems are a huge factor in this and if the education system was a bit better at times and more people had a need (languages are important but bc only English is so common in the US it isn't regarded so) it'd be more common
2016-02-20 14:04:05 UTC
I'm not stupid. Most Americans could care less about speaking other languages because not all Americans travel or make friends with people from other countries.

The better question would be why do some stupid foreigners come to live in America But don't want to bother learning English or speak it?
2016-02-17 23:10:29 UTC
Because Not all Americans Focus on Education to bust there Minds, they Focus Video Games, Movies, Media, Materialism, Reality, Life, having Fun, Drama, Relationships, Break ups (we've all been there), Being Glad there Employeed, even if its a low Quality or Wage Job (Hell I've Worked at a Theme Park for the Last 10 years of My Life and I Still cant Afford a Car), Feeling Desspressed if they Are Unemployeed, lucky to still have a Roof Over there Heads, if there not already on the Streets ! Hobbies, Sports, Keeping there Bodies Fit & Active, and Improving there Social Status !

Unlike other Countries out there that See Education as Gold, and Have a Opinion that Americans are Stupid, Many of Us American have the Mentality that Life is too Short when Young, and Don't waste your Youth away Learning something your probably never going to use, and the Belief eventually they will learn those things when they get Older ! Its like a Player, there Main Goal is to Screw enough Girls as much as they Can in there Youth, so They can Brag about it when they Get Older to the Youth of the New Generation, so someone else can Continue the Cycle !
2016-02-17 15:32:58 UTC
Coming from a American student, I can say that a lot of schools require students to take 2 years of a foreign language, but that language is usually Spanish, or French. Two years (minus 6 months) only for an hour a day isn t enough time to fully grasp the concept of a language as a whole. Most students take the two years then never speak another word in the language again, only because we re forced to take the class. A majority of students wouldn t take another language class simply because it s not necessary. English is such a simple language that it can be difficult for some to grasp the concept of another language. English is also becoming a international language for all countries, so I guess I don t see the need to know another language when this is the case. Also sir, we re not all stupid, but yes, some of us are.
2016-02-18 16:24:28 UTC
I hope you're just trolling when you ask this, but because Americans get a bad rep for so many things... I'll take this question seriously.

About a fourth of all Americans know a second language. The reason that Americans tend to be monolingual is because

1) it is not required to learn a second language in school (which I think should be changed)

2) English is literally everywhere in the world, so Americans tend to think that there is no need to learn a second language because if they ever go somewhere, it's easy to find either someone who can translate from English, or signs and text are already in English.

3) English is the language that dominates A LOT of major things... music, travel, television, technology, social media...

I am an American and I am bilingual. I know English and Spanish. So before you go and claim that all Americans only know one language and call us "stupid", do some research for yourself.
2016-02-17 12:28:54 UTC
First of all, not all Americans only speak one language.

I think that since English is such a well known language, they feel like it is not necessary. They also don't travel too much compared to many other countries.

Also, I think that languages are taught badly in America. I think that many English speaking countries are just not very good at teaching languages so Americans can't actually learn other languages. Maybe learning other languages when English is your first language is hard, as well, but that is just a guess.

You should not call Americans stupid; that is incredibly rude. I am not American myself but I still think that it is very insulting. Just because people don't know languages, it doesn't mean that they are stupid.
Ursus Particularies
2016-02-17 00:08:48 UTC
Europeans learn languages because they have to. Other languages are a short drive and right next door.

All USA states speak and use English.

I'm a typical American, and in 72 years never once had to spend even one month in place using another language.

I did take German courses once, also a Great Waste, never used at all, even though I was nearing conversational in early young life.

Not having a foreign language does not make me stupid. I am adept in all sciences, not just one. It is likely that I could exceed 99% of Europeans in ability to answer the Most Difficult questions too. The ones so many fools say there is no answer for, judging solely by their own ignorance and ungodliness.

Best for everyone to learn what is most valuable to them.

And there are some Americans who have talent and skill in some foreign language and make that their work area.

It's just not as useful here as in Europe. You can drive 500 to 1000 km from most all points here and not see another language.

I do not call others stupid if they do not understand science as I do.

I do not feel ASTUTE because Swedes are ignorant compared with me.

If you are better than other Europeans generally you are welcome to feel astute as to your language proficiency.

Again, ENGLISH is the most valuable language. If the world were different and Swedish was THE MAJOR LANGUAGE and we all spoke Spanish here, then I'd likely learn Swedish.

But it is NOT so, and I'll most probably NEVER set foot in Sweden (does not mean I do not like you all there).

There's a Gourmet Swedish Chef who does videos that make me roll on the floor laughing.

Guess what? He does these in English, because he'd lose 98% of his audience otherwise.
2016-02-19 15:09:47 UTC
Really?? I don't know who you are calling stupid, but taking the time to do a little research could have answered your question. The best answers are the ones that quote geographical reasons. We as Americans have no need to learn other languages, our states are larger than some of Europe's countries. Thousands of miles in every direction, folks speak English. We don't live in a small country where crossing every border requires a new language. But here's the kicker: When I first arrived in Germany for military duty, I would speak English when asking for directions. I found out real quick that didn't work, my assumption was that everybody spoke English. So I studied conversational German, lived downtown, got to know the people and in 2 years I was fluent in the language. If you are a guest in someone's country, learn the language or at least give it attempt. Most likely they will answer back in English, but never ASSume that folks in a guest country speak English. That was 40 years ago, and I have lost my fluency, unfortunately nobody to converse with.
2016-02-19 19:42:12 UTC
I can't speak for *stupid* Americans or stupid Swedes, but most overlook the obvious: the US covers a huge land mass, with only two neighboring countries that also cover huge land mass. One of those countries is mostly English-speaking. As you would expect, typically Americans who learn other languages study Spanish or French first. I for one would have loved to study German, which was available at my high school, but I would have been forced to quit my advanced Spanish studies. Don't pretend it is some noble undertaking on your part when you are from an area with many smaller countries close together (some even formed a union), so it is a natural part of the culture to know more languages.
2016-02-17 18:24:59 UTC
GENERALLY Americans only speak english because GENERALLY they have no incentive to learn a different language. In most professional environments with in the United States, english is all you need to know and knowing a second language rarely helps you out professionally. Also, most Americans don't travel internationally, and when they go to a main stream tourist attraction where everyone speaks english anyway. As the times change, I'm sure the American culture will also, and more Americans will realize that a second language is helpful.
2016-02-17 09:05:08 UTC
English is the predominant language for a thousand miles in any direction from where I'm sitting tonight (Memphis, Tennessee). Yes, due to immigration from Mexico, Spanish has become a bit of a secondary language in this country but besides that, with the exception of French spoken in Quebec, Canada, there is no practical need or reason to learn or know any other languages. It isn't a matter of being dumb or stupid, there just literally is no reason for it. I'm Australian and can speak French, and I'm currently learning Spanish. I don't expect people in other countries to contend with my English when I'm in their country, but sadly too many Americans don't put in the effort to speak another language. It's about multiculturalism but Americans are a bit too comfortable with their own language.
2016-02-19 02:50:59 UTC
Well, its very unfair to call someone stupid isnt it.

The point is that because the English had a huge empire all over the world, English became the language of commerce. So virtually anywhere you go in the world people can speak English. Popular culture makes it easier for non english to speak our language because young ones grow up seeing english language films and listening to english language music

The settlers of the US were mainly from england - hence, the language (though you can hear the irish accent in their english). Because the US is so vast americans tend to travel within their country whereas europeans will hop on a ferry or a short plane journey to be in another country. Its a privilege we tend to take for granted.

There is an old joke in the UK - " a man who can speak many languages is called multilingual. a man who can speak 2 languages is called bilingual. a man who can speak only one language is called English"

Other european countries tend to speak at least two languages, often three as they are surrounded by other countries. England remains an island :) and unfortunately finds it unnecessary to have to learn languages fluently. Hopefully new generations will change that.
2016-02-17 07:56:18 UTC
Europeans are forced to speak other languages because if they go more than 200 miles in any direction they are in a different country, most of the time. Americans don't have this need, since we can go for over 2000 miles in any direction and still be in English speaking territory. Yes, I have picked up some Spanish, just enough to speak to the hired help. I also have a smattering of German, Dutch, Afrikaans, Yiddish, American Sign Language and British Sign Language. I learned these not out of necessity, but out of desire.
2016-02-16 20:41:40 UTC
I am American. I speak English, Spanish, German, and French . Currently learning how to speak Korean. Languages are hard to learn in later ages. I guess it all comes down to preferences and motivation. There are A LOT of Americans that speak more than one language because it's a requirement for a lot of our colleges here. Others are simply uninterested or cannot afford a class to teach them. A lot of factors come into play with this situation. You should be really careful with your words friend. You don't know every situation!

Have a great day.
2016-02-16 00:39:42 UTC
Lol Americans are stupid? Why don't you research most powerful countries. Who's number 1? Who has the best medicine, military, economy, pretty much everything? WE do! America is the greatest country on earth full of hard working people. Our hard work and dedication made us the greatest country that ever existed. Measuring someone's intelligence by how many languages they know is the dumbest thing I've ever heard. And if you want to go by those standards, those languages you mentioned are the easiest for a native English speaker to learn. Why don't you be smart and learn an actual tough language like Basque, like I have...apparently a dumb American who only speaks english. We only speak one language because we don't need to learn another language. Deal with it.
2016-02-20 00:47:48 UTC
Truth is some of the"stupid Americans" barely speak English. Nevermind an additional language. But there is a percentage that enjoys learning and speaking a foreign language because it's fun and challenging.
2016-02-16 20:17:56 UTC
Im American, Im 13, I know Swedish, Japanese, Polish and a few more languages I dont take classes for any of these see not all americans are stupid maybe from your perspective, Some people just don't want to learn a different language maybe they don't have time or maybe they just don't need it. Does not knowing more than 1 language make them stupid? No. Sorry if this wasn't a good answer.

-Xoxo Alex
2016-02-18 07:47:37 UTC
Haha, speaking of a Chinese live in States, I do find most Americans tends to be ignorant about language. Stats shows only 8 percent of Americans know how to speak a secondary language. And even that figure includes immigrants who just become U.S. citizen.

Part of the reason is yes indeed there is no need of learning another language here. And the assumption that rest of the world have to learn English makes things even worse. In China and most Asian countries everyone have to learn English at young age. Most of my European friends speak multiple languages. which I feel a little jealous of them.

Another reason I believe plays a bigger role here is the sense of entitlement. Which did show up a lot in uneducated Americans. A lot of them I talked to have a mindset of American Exceptionalism. They believe U.S is the greatest nation in the world. Better than everyone else, anyone else. So why bother learning another language or understand another culture. However, this problem is very individual. I have a lot of highly educated and well-informed American friends who hold very critical view about their own country. Once this girl at the party dragged me and start shouting how negative America path is right now, how hypocrite their government is, and how disgusting Donald Trump is. About their Racism, Sexism, and Human-rights regarding Guantanamo. A little too much for a party I would say. But this gives you a sense.

You can’t blame they can you? Every empire in history all believe they were the greatest until downfall. They export culture, not import them, I don’t recall Chinese feel the need to learn another language when we were dominant hundred years ago. Things changed.
ich werde gehat
2016-02-18 16:09:28 UTC
Gotta love this, when someone attempts to hurt, insult, put down, or offend someone else in the form of a statement or question while unknowingly and unintelligently makes fun of themselves. The purest definition of hypocrisy, also condescending, ignorance, and just unintelligence. Ameri-haters can go on and on because they're haters, but what I've read on multiple forums that Euro's tend to be the most guilty of ignorance of another country, especially one is that is West or "across the pond" from you, yea, "great" Euro schools, right.....

To actually answer you're question, as many others have stated there a LOT of people who speak multiple languages, such as Hispanics from Mexico, S. America, and the Caribbean. Pretty every student in the US has to take a foreign language class in Middle School and High School, I've personally taken a year of Spanish, French, and my fave, German (love Germany). There are also many others who learn a language just because they enjoy it, or want/have to like my friend who speaks really good Japanese (shocking!!) because she lives/works in Japan. But the BIGGEST reason why Americans don't have to, and maybe even don't want to is simply because, again you mistakenly answered you're own question, is that pretty much EVERY Euro ALREADY speaks English!! The US has Canada where French is spoken and Mexico where they speak Spanish but both of these counties speak English very well, as again, as does Euroupe. Another simple reason is that, again kind of answering you're own question w/ your question, the US isn't surrounded by many other countries that speak a 1st language that's different country by country.

So long story short, don't ever insult someone w/out at least doing a little research and actually putting some thought into your question. Ignorance and unintelligence I believe is a big part of the world's woes and problems, don't be a part of the problem.
2016-02-17 02:29:54 UTC
I assume that not all Americans are like this, but generally Americans don't see the need to learn other languages because they tend to have a sense of entitlement and believe everyone should speak English. It's about convenience, which is unfortunate. I'm Australian and can speak French, and I'm currently learning Spanish. I don't expect people in other countries to contend with my English when I'm in their country, but sadly too many Americans don't put in the effort to speak another language. It's about multiculturalism but Americans are a bit too comfortable with their own language.
2016-02-18 20:33:57 UTC
wow-that was the most condescending comment ever...The Swede just put their big foot in their big mouth...that's like saying Swedes are known for their big feet and dumb comments and just being plain weird, because I have been there and it's not all that it is cracked up to be. Europe is a nice place to visit but there's no place like home. You hear of all these wonderful countries in Europe but when you meet the people they are so rude and such American haters. Yet they come here listen to our music wear our styles and I think secretly love us in their own jealous way. The educational standard in America requires at least one language in HS and you may be exempt if you go to technical school. I took 2 languages through high school and college and speak 4 fluently and understand about seven. People should stop assuming they know everything -that's the problem, and if you don't have anything nice to say then don't say anything at all. Golden Rule.
2016-02-17 13:37:29 UTC
We're not dumb for one, two many of us speak multiple languages or are at least trying to learn second one. Lastly Americans who only know English and don't want to learn others can because they're aware that English is becoming the international business for trade and relations across the globe so many other nations are learning English why learn their language when they're more then happy to converse in English the language Americans have grown up with. It's mostly for that reason why the Americans who don't know foreign languages only speak English there's been no need seeing as they don't need it for daily life and if it is there's usually an interpreter or subtitles for them to follow along/understand.
2016-02-18 08:41:42 UTC
So, Americans are stupid because they have zero need to speak another language? Germany teaches English from elementary school. English is the universal language of business and medicine. German doctors, lawyers, teachers, and any other top-notch profession requires a proficiency in English. A Swede speaking English and German is no great feat. I know a dozen Swedes who can do the same and many more who can speak one or two more languages. Germany is the power-house in Europe, so speaking German is expected of it's surrounding neighbors. Europes is decidely smaller than America, so you are comparing a continent with a country? Who's stupid???
Going Concern
2016-02-17 15:17:20 UTC
i am american and i speak chinese, french, arabic, russian, spanish, portuguese, german, italian and turkish. i am not fluent in any of them but i know enough that if you kidnapped me and dumped me in any countries that speak those languages, i will get by easily.

i am a special (nut)case though. there isn't a huge need for americans to learn another language as english is becoming more and more THE global language. people around the world are learning english because in terms of business, there is a huge premium if you are proficient in it. also, when you travel, there is always an english translation next to the local language. (trust me- i have been to almost 100 countries. sometimes when i try speaking in the local language, i get the response in english >_< ) this is the language that connects people across the globe. the sentiment is: why bother learning anything else?

that being said, foreign languages aren't really important in schools like they are in european countries. most people won't be exposed to another language until they hit high school (age 13-14) where they are required to fulfill only 2 minimum years in one language. of course, those two years only cover the basics (conjugations, past tenses) and don't really touch on the more complex verb tenses.

americans are not 'stupid'- if anything, we are quiet smart- we made the whole world learn english :)
2016-02-19 14:25:11 UTC
Because there is no reason to speak two languages. The English and the Spanish languages spread around the world, pushing out nearly every other language. Why do you think all Americans are stupid?
2016-02-17 12:02:13 UTC
First, English is the official language of the USA. Not all of us just speak one language (usually English). Spanish is almost a secondary language in a lot of places in the US nowadays. French is another popular language many people know. A lot of high schools and colleges here offer foreign languages to their students. Spanish, French, and German being the most common. But some offer Japanese, Chinese, Arabic, or even Russian. There is also sign language. But the simple truth is that some people will never need or want to know another language unless visiting or moving to another country, being a translator, or teaching English as a secondary language to students who need or want it. Of course more business nowadays hire people who are speak at least 2 languages. Otherwise, why learn another language unless you simply want to? Just because some americans only speak one language does not make them stupid. Many of these people are smart, educated, and decent people. So please stop calling them names. It is childlike.
2016-02-19 08:49:39 UTC
The British and the French are not known for their skills as polyglots either, so don't single out Americans. The Swedes did not have colonies around the world, thus spreading the Swedish language all over the world. Because of this, a Swede who only speaks his mother tongue would be terribly isolated, unlike an English speaker.


An American who took the time to learn French and Spanish and does all right with Portuguese and Italian.
geoffrey t
2016-02-19 13:51:23 UTC
If someone who is Swedish only speaks Swedish does that make them stupid also the answer is no, Americans speak Americanese which is a form of English because English is a diversified language .Let me put it this way everyone born in the UK can understand anybody who Speaks "the Queens" English which is basically what you have learned but people who speak "the Queens" English cannot necessarily understand people who speak English in the UK which breaks down into four countries which have their own accents these countries break down into counties which have their own dialects and these in turn break down into city's towns and villages which have their own sub dialects and slang take this melting pot of linguistics move it a few thousand miles west and populate a continent throw in influences of other cultures and languages and you will find that just because you only speak English does not make you stupid and because you can speak three languages does not make you clever.
2016-02-20 01:08:24 UTC
I speak three languages fluently as well, but it was all self motivated learning. Our school system requires a second language for only a few years, during which most students half *** it. Also, because of our geographical location we do not come in contact with many languages as European nations do. The only thing I like about this system is that those, like myself, who have learned another language or two are an asset in the business world and stand out from the competition ;)
2016-02-18 12:10:19 UTC
Because the Americans are not exactly in close contact with other countries that make speaking a foreign language any great advantage. Its also only fair to say that until quite recently the Brits were in the same boat, being culturally convinced that everyone else should speak English.

Anyway, the general opinion is that the Americans are doing very well indeed with languages, and it is becoming noticable that English is becoming much more in common use and may shortly become adopted to a common usage.
2016-02-17 08:51:50 UTC
Everyone speaks their own language and the lingua franca. It just so happens that the american language is also the lingua franca. 2 birds with one stone.

Also, if every state in the US spoke a different language, like in Europe, being multilingual would be more of a necessity. Most people don't learn a new language unless it will benefit them in some way. That's the same all over the world, not just in America.
2016-02-17 12:10:49 UTC
I don't think the word "stupid" in this question is totally necessary. If you speak one language it doesn't make you less smart than anyone else. I know many people from the states who speak English and Spanish. A US born friend of mine speaks English, Spanish and Greek.

You need to be more accepting of people. Some don't get the chance, reason or time to learn another language.
Candice Spearman
2016-02-22 13:16:07 UTC
How come your stupid and only speak 3 languages if most people from your country speak more. We have no need to go to your country and speak your stupid language. America is the greatest country in the world.
2016-02-16 07:21:20 UTC
Liberal attitudes brought in from countries like yours, brainiac, which insist that little kiddies shouldn't have to do anything that might be just a little hard for them. So we keep libraries in schools, which are basically obsolete and pay the librarians to run them when we could be teaching second languages at the elementary level when children are able to absorb it quickly and easily. Most of the kids in our school hate going to the library and don't read the books they get. They'd much rather learn a language, if they don't already speak another. In our school, many of our children have to learn ENGLISH because their first language is Spanish, an Indian language, usually Hindi, or Ukrainian. They will be unable to assimilate into society without learning English or do well in school. Therefore that is our first priority. There are also many children who, for one reason or another, have trouble reading English. That is also a priority.
2016-02-17 18:15:46 UTC
Fool, you live in a European confederation where the next state is a different language your education system therefore has been designed for the past 25 years or so to make you read and write in at least two languages even if it kills you until you are 18. In America for many thousands of miles there is only one language so there is no reason why anyone should have to learn another and therefore it is not required and not worth the schools money and only recently has this debate even been introduced in our society
2016-02-17 14:44:18 UTC
Because unless you live in the Southwest Americans have virtually no exposure to other languages. You can't just take a quick train ride and be in a country where they speak another language like most Europeans can. Also, it's hard to learn a language when no one near you speaks it.
2016-02-18 19:43:24 UTC
This is likely a troll, most people born from 1980s and forward in america speak a second language, or studied one at least. And about 1/4 of Americas are trilingual, some even more than that. I am trilingual, speaking German, and Japanese, in concurrence with English. Learn to read up before you call Americans "stupid"
2016-02-19 16:54:03 UTC
Some Americans speak Spanish as their second language.
2016-02-18 04:36:02 UTC
The US and majority of English speaking countries don't bother too much with learning other languages, simply because English is so dominant. I'm British, so I'm in Europe, kind of, and I don't speak anything other than English. And a lot of Americans that I've met actually speak Spanish pretty fluently, especially in California and Florida.
Caitlin Thomas
2016-02-18 20:50:55 UTC
The majority of Americans are monolingual. Because foreign language is only required for 2 years in American high school. It would be more beneficial if 2nd language lessons were started in primary school. Being monolingual doesn't make someone stupid. I am American, I speak English, Spanish and Irish. English was my first language. Irish was my second language taught to me by my mother/gran. I learned Spanish in high school and college.
2016-02-18 13:54:09 UTC
I think there are many reasons, but the primary one is that most American's don't have the need to speak another language. Many Americans will live in the same area all of their lives. Their friends and family speak English as do their neighbors and those in neighboring counties.

I speak Spanish, in addition to English. I took courses in high school and then lived in Mexico as an exchange student. I chose Spanish because of Southern California's proximity to Mexico.
2016-02-16 14:34:51 UTC
I'm 47 years old and I've never needed to speak another language, even while traveling. The only time I'd like to know another language is when I'm getting a pedicure, and that is just to see if my suspicions are true.

We are in America and we speak English, if we cross a border, we still speech English!
2016-02-17 17:39:44 UTC
Do you mean why do the stupid people in America speak only one language? Well..then read about the characteristics of stupid people and you will learn they don't like to try new things.

My other guess would be that you're stereotyping. But I couldn't really get the clear meaning of the sentence because the word order and phrasing lacked the clarity that is usually considered important for English speakers.
2016-02-17 18:12:57 UTC
Maybe it is because that English is simple relatively, and English is also becoming a international language for all countries, American school may not put hard effort in teaching another language. That don't illustrate that Americans are stupid.
2016-02-16 15:09:29 UTC
Most Americans don’t need a second language. The U.S. is so large that many people are simply not exposed to languages other than English. That being said, in recent decades mobility has increased and Spanish speaking people are numerous in more places than they have been in the past. Quite a few Americans (not just Hispanics) now speak Spanish. I picked up Spanish starting in high school. I am now fluent in Spanish and Japanese in addition to English.
2016-02-18 11:01:07 UTC
Your statement that “Why do stupid Americans only speak one language?” I make the assumption that you are stating that American’s are unintelligent because the majority of our population only speaks one language. If being a monolingual is the reason for American’s being idiots than other monolingual countries like France, England and Japan, must also be inferior. If the French are inferior, then why are they famously known for its food, fashion, and art? If England is intelligently inferior, then why is the second of the world’s largest cluster of educational institutes located in England? What about the Japanese? How are they able to be so renounce for their martial arts video game companies like Nintendo and Sony if they are so unintelligent? People do not chose to grow up only speaking a single language. Until recently, it was widely believed that it would be better if children grew up in a household only speaking one language and to learn a second language later. We now know that there are many benefits to growing up speaking more than one language. This however, does not make a person who speaks more than one language more intelligent than a person who only speaks one.
2016-02-17 16:52:11 UTC
American English is a mutt language. It takes in stuff from other languages and incorporates it. North America is huge and plump full all kinds of diversity and cultural influence when it comes to not only social norms, but also language as well. If your non local speaking neighbors don't speak yours, you have to learn it. My great grandparents grew up on the Swede-Finn border and so spoke both, but also a sort of pidgin involving variances in grammar and use of words.
2016-02-17 17:01:16 UTC
I love it when people say "Stupid American" BASED ON WHAT? First of all, we don't HAVE to learn FOREIGN languages to survive. People learn foreign language out of necessity. Your realize we have 50 very large states and most of them have CITIES bigger than your entire COUNTRY right? LOL! People WORLDWIDE speak English regularly enough that it's not an issue 99.99% of the time. If you could speak your language everywhere you'd go and people could understand you, you wouldn't learn other ones I assure you. It's that simple. People learn English to come here, not the other way around. I have no issues with other countries and I'm not arrogant, but thats the facts. I've been to many foreign countries and English was ALWAYS spoken and understood even outside of the tourist areas. People were very excited to speak and and ask us what we though of their country and if they spoke it well.
2016-02-19 08:17:01 UTC
Because many Americans feel they live in the most privileged country where the majority of people speak English. They see no need in learning a new language if they don't plan to move to another place where another language is spoken by the majority of the population. I believe most people who are at least bilingual speak English.
2016-02-22 17:20:02 UTC
Stupid Americans? I'll have you know I studied the Spanish Language for 5 years.
sha wei sted
2016-02-17 03:09:46 UTC
I'd like to point out that, since it's birth, America has either given birth to or fostered arguably the most genuses and technological advancement than any other country.

Consider the great American Nikola Tesla. You think he could have accomplished his dreams and built the era of electricity over there in Europe. Hell no. And by the way multi linguist European, you're welcome for the modern light bulb.

We all know that the language of the universe is math, even more specifically 1s and zeros. The modern computer, once again, you're welcome. While you were busy learning masculines and feminines and accenting your vowels, we were cranking out binary code and structuring the digital age. Internet connecting first through telephone lines, you're welcome multilinguist European for the telephone so you can speak your many languages at great distances.

America's current education system is going downward, but we still manage to crank out innovation from Americans despite that. U stupid
2016-02-17 17:27:19 UTC
Do you know what they say about assumptions? Your Swedish. Of course, you should've been drafted into your military. I speculate that you should know American military terms or does this stupid American know more then you?

Don't really care. This is the internet, and appears like this is trolling.

Why assume and why think that there's reasons for Americans to really speak more then one. Foolish; really, but why?

I guess that I have to at least try to answer. Unlike you. Were a land that borders many states. States that mainly speak English. Not the queens, but god save her and all the rot.
Emily B
2016-02-18 11:41:57 UTC
1) Because the conservative majority is xenophobic and believes America is better at everything and everyone should speak English.

2) Because we're only close to Mexico and Canada. Canada mostly speaks English and conservatives are afraid of Mexicans. However, almost all schools have French and Spanish programs but they are optional. Our country is HUGE and it's only next to two countries so the need isn't there. Sweden is close to 10 countries so the need for mulitiple languages is higher.

(I understand that Alaska is right up against Russia but America still doesn't like Russia so there's no need to talk to them)
2016-02-18 15:12:27 UTC
I think it has to do with two things.

One, because of America's huge influence in the world, most Americans don't think they NEED to know any other languages. They think everyone else should learn THEIR language, without realizing how limited and small it makes their own way of viewing the world. You can't understand other people without understanding their language.

And second, I think it has a great deal to do with the physical isolation of the United States. We have only two countries that actually come in contact with ours: Canada and Mexico. And one of them is already majority English-speaking. (We pretend that French Canadians don't exist, sadly.) When you simply don't have other countries right there on top of you that you must deal with all the time, you get lazy about being a world citizen. (To be honest, most Americans do not even acknowledge themselves to BE world citizens - they think America is everything and that's enough.) So it's easy to just demonize the one country we have actual physical contact with, and pretend they're worthless because They Are Not Us. (The large size of the U.S. does not help this attitude at all, either, as it makes it even easier to pretend other countries don't exist.)

I find it sad that so many American think learning other languages is a waste of time. They think translation is easy, just word to word, and have no idea of how incredibly different the world can look through the lens of other languages. Every language one learns puts another mental "map" of the world on top of the map one already has, creating a more complex, tolerant and accepting vision of humanity as a whole.

Hm, maybe that's why they don't want to learn - staying monolingual is a convenient, easy way not to have to think about other people and the fact that they are just as real and human as we are. Sad. *sigh*
2016-02-16 10:54:39 UTC
Sadly it is not only Americans (even they do not speak English correctly). I am English and I do not speak another language. The reason is two fold.

1. English is the worldwide accepted international language.

2. Foreign Languages are not compulsory in our and I believe Americas education systems.

This leads to laziness on both of our parts as we expect that as everyone else is taught English at school why should we bother learning anything else. It is bad on our part but unfortunately true.
2016-02-17 14:58:08 UTC
As an American of Swedish descent let me try to explain our situation. My own grandparents left Sweden in the 1880’s because there was no economic opportunity for them. All they could look forward to was to be hired hands on someone manor where they would work from dawn to dusk for the clothes on their backs and a herring and potatoes to eat. A great many Swedes came here at that time and their descendants all live in American. And we speak English. After all, America is a much larger country than Sweden. We can travel all over our own country and in almost all of Canada and English is sufficient to our needs. And yes, there are many things that we do here in America that Swedes do differently.

I would not say one word of criticism about Swedes or Sweden. But we are a much larger country with a much more diverse population and very different issues than you deal with. And so we have to seek our own way and not the Swedish way.

If you will read Swedish history from the 19th to the early 20th century you will find out why so many Swedes chose to leave Sweden and live in America.
2016-02-17 15:17:52 UTC
American and English people are very bad for learning other languages, since age of the British empire most people have leant English as a second language as for trade it is so important.

So in schools we are often taught from a late age (13+ sometimes) so we cannot learn it as well as if we had learnt it earlier (9+).

Some people do speak other languages fluently in the uk/us though. My mum speaks fluent French and my aunt fluent spanish
2016-02-18 14:27:15 UTC
many times because english is such a common language and a language much trade is conducted in many foreign countries push learning english as well as other languages. English is one of the most spoken languages and helpful in almost all developed countires so therefor foreign language is not pushed as hard. Also, pleas take into account that Americans aren't the only people who speak english, do not ignore England.
2016-02-18 11:16:48 UTC
Because we don't have to. We're separated from most other countries and the few times we run into an issue, the other person usually speaks English.

If we were forced to do it, like we would be if we lived in Europe with each country speaking a different language, we would have to, especially if we wanted to travel. But we don't have to do it so we don't care.

Most of us who learn other languages don't get to put the knowledge to use so we don't really learn to speak it, or remember what we've learned.
London Man
2016-02-20 03:32:28 UTC
Political reasons started by the English in US colonial days. It was a TACTIC to make the World speak English and it worked . I notice even you speak English. It is very uneducated and stupid to make the bland statement 'Americans are all stupid for not Speaking Chinese or Spanish or whatever'

American Universities have the highest standards in the World

We made you speak English, not bad for 'stupid' people. I am a UK Brit by the way
2016-02-18 13:59:55 UTC
English is a universal language so Americans think it's useless to learn another language while theirs is universal. Plus that doesn't make them stupid. It's just a choice. Some are bilingual (the Mexican American for example) or polyglot..
2016-02-17 17:29:24 UTC
There's a long sad history of US primary schools forcing immigrant children to give up their mother tongue, and embrace ignorance. My Norwegian grandfather could read and speak Norwegian, German and English. (I suspect he could manage Swedish as well.) My father had it beaten out of him in the 1920s and '30s. Even today, there's a common attitude that knowing a foreign language is unpatriotic, somehow. I've learned 10 languages, but I'm a naturally bohemian personality.

Enforcing ignorance on children has all kinds of unexpected consequences, too. Our primary and secondary schools are quite low quality compared with other countries. We must import our engineers and scientists, instead of training our own. Now that our economy is declining and xenophobia is increasing, I doubt engineers and scientists will be as eager to move from China, India, wherever.
Goddess of Grammar
2016-02-18 13:17:23 UTC
Stupid Americans who speak only one language do so because they only feel the need for one language.

Smart Americans who speak only one language do so because they haven't had the opportunity to learn another language.

Stupid Americans who speak more than one language have various reasons, and smart Americans who speak more than one language probably have even more.

I live in Switzerland and most of my American friends speak German and/or have PhDs, so I'm mostly guessing about the stupid ones.
2016-02-20 02:13:03 UTC
Lack of exposure or willingness to learn other languages, because they had other things to deal with.

Still, there are so many Americans, and some of those unwilling Americans included, who can speak other languages, other than those who go to classes or learn by themselves:

Native Americans who use their traditional languages,

Latinos and Hispanics who also use Spanish,

The Pennsylvania Dutch, Mennonites, and the Amish who use a variant of German,

Immigrants from other countries who use other languages at home, or with their friends and family.
2016-02-20 15:10:58 UTC
I am American, though technically born in the UK, and I speak 17 languages. That doesn't seem like one language to me, so I beg to differ. It really just depends on whether they're willing or not. This is a very opinionated question, so there is no absolute answer
2016-02-16 16:02:47 UTC
I speak two languages, but it doesn't do me much good here in America. So, buddy, I don't think it really matters how many languages you speak here in America. If you are jealous of the American way, you can always apply for a visa, they might let you come over here and visit sometime. Take care, and no hard feelings.
2016-02-16 09:22:32 UTC
There's no need for them to learn it, they have no countries near them that speaks other language other than México, and they do learn a bit of Spanish, but don't need it. Global language is English.

You in the other hand travel for couple hours in any direction and it's another country with another laguange with another culture, this doesn't happen anywhere near usa, even if the go to Canada, they all speak English.

Simple as that,

2016-02-19 16:19:23 UTC
It's not required to learn other languages in the US other than English. Blame the education system. Don't just generalize us all as stupid just because some people only know one language.
2016-02-16 18:19:51 UTC
I think its only logical. America is a big country, so most americans are surrounded by others who also speak English / American, and Canada. The exception is south America, but there it is fairly common to learn Spanish as a second language because of south America.
2016-02-17 15:04:08 UTC
Soy de Estados Unidos de America y I speak 2 languages. Actually, soy aprendando Español as of right ahora, however, I'm probando a hablar una otra idioma. Where I'm at, the only other language than Ingles that's necessary a aprender es Español porque de todos de Mexican/Hispanic influence. In fact, because of this, my school teaches Spanish y muchos otra languages. No soy estupido porque soy from the USA and can bearly speak another language, that's un otra topic para un otra día. Adíos.
2016-02-17 00:43:10 UTC
Unlike Europe, the land mass of the U.S. is larger than any individual country in Europe, therefore, the likelihood that most Americans will travel and need to use a second language is less. However, it is good to know a second language. I speak more languages than English, but I do not use them very often, so I have lost some of my proficiency.
2016-02-15 21:39:57 UTC
Americans aren't stupid, they're lucky. As you well know, Germans and swedes all speak English. Why don't you go ask some Russians why they don't speak more languages? Youd think being part of continental Europe would be enough reason, so why not go harass them and leave isolated Americans alone.
2016-02-17 21:47:06 UTC
I know that in other countries the languages are everywhere

someone could go 50 miles and be in a place with a whole different language

Its not like that in America pretty much everyone in america speak just english

Also because the adults know that languages vary alot and very quickly in other countries so they have the kids learning a different language in. Like preschool because its easier for them to learn when young
2016-02-17 16:01:43 UTC
I wouldn't call ALL Americans stupid. But most schools in America don't offer classes that teach students different languages. The only reason I know another language is because my nanny(Who is Mexican) taught me Spanish.
2016-02-19 23:00:56 UTC
All stupid people speak only one language.
2016-02-16 22:54:21 UTC
Thats not even true, man!.

Many Americans speak many languages, and some even do it natively... Like for example; do you think the Indigenous people arent Americans or what!?

And anyways, English is the universal language, so they're ok!...

And I think you are the stupid one for this!...
Bn Js
2016-02-17 12:34:41 UTC
First of all were not stupid,and why does everyone in other countries only speak one language?
2016-02-16 11:57:03 UTC
l Americans are stupid? Why don't you research most powerful countries. Who's number 1? Who has the best medicine, military, economy, pretty much everything? WE do! America is the greatest country on earth full of hard working people. Our hard work and dedication made us the greatest country that ever existed. Measuring someone's intelligence by how many languages they know is the dumbest thing I've ever heard. And if you want to go b
2016-02-18 15:20:24 UTC
American schools require foreign language years, so...

Most Americans know at least two languages, Spanish is basically a second language for Americans.
2016-02-17 11:11:47 UTC
Spanish is widely spoken in the USA, but other than that, the other commentators are right. Other than Spanish and English, there s really no use for any other languages for most people in the USA.

In Europe, Swedes belong to a small language group. The entire population of Sweden is smaller than some of the larger American cities. Swedes have to learn English in order to communicate. If our Swedish friend would travel to France, Spain, or Italy, he would a few European countries where most people speak only one language. Sure, English is "taught" in schools in those countries, but few people really learn it, just as few people who in the US who take foreign language courses in high school or college learn it.

I hope our Swedish friend will notice that I answered his question without resort to the jingoism he used in the original post.
2016-02-17 22:26:41 UTC
GENERALLY Americans only speak english because GENERALLY they have no incentive to learn a different language. In most professional environments with in the United States, english is all you need to know and knowing a second language rarely helps you out professionally
2016-02-17 15:24:59 UTC
1) I'm American. 2) I speak two languages (Hablo Español) 3) Your country only exists because of us so stop talking (you guys would have been annexed by Russia LONG ago if they weren't scared of our power)

4) English will be the sole language of the world in a hundred years because of our domination.

5) I realize the average American is flawed and ignorant. I went to States for the geography bee and I currently attend the best school in the world.
2016-02-20 00:02:55 UTC
Americans are bilingual. They mainly speak English and Spanish and their are some portions of the country that are French, Italian, and Portuguese speakers. Basically Americans only speak romance languages.
2016-02-16 18:04:43 UTC
Because Stupid Sweden's Language is even stupider Bafoon
Queen of Hell
2016-12-12 17:53:58 UTC
I have friends who speak their native language at home and speak English during the day. Guess what? They're American. Are you forgetting that the USA is built up of immigrants? How many languages can you speak?
2016-02-15 23:49:06 UTC
They are not stupid or lazy. In fact, they are lucky that they speak English natively (likewise in the UK). Therefore, there is no need to learn another language, and it does not make them ignorant. I, as a non-native English speaker, might be better at learning languages than they are, but they are definitely better at Math or Science, for instance. There is nothing wrong with it.
2016-02-16 09:32:47 UTC
There's many Americans who speak multiple languages, actually. Ironic you call Americans so stupid yet you're the one making ignorant statements with no research to back them up.
2016-02-18 09:50:25 UTC
Our schools teach multiple languages and my son took French and when he went to live in Japan learned Japanese. My granddaughter took 4 years of Spanish. When I was in High School, it was common for students who were going into nursing to take Latin. While no one speaks Latin, it is the basis for many medical words.

I would agree that American are the last ones to feel the need to speak another language. Many Americans want everyone who come to our country to speak our version of English but also want every country they visit to speak English, too. This is only one of the areas at which we fail.
2016-02-17 20:19:35 UTC
1. Just have one language.

2. Don't be proud of language if it's only used for killing, enslavement, and robbery.

3. Realize that our intelligent nature will probably only kill all of us in a blood bath of cannibalistic proportions. When we would have only gone fishing we began chaotically devising.

4. Not all stupid people are bad and not all intelligent people are good. One just does his job and harms none while the other takes over the earth and incinerates entire countries with his wonderful smartness of intelligences.

5. Just have one language. Although this probably wouldn't help, although it should, because of human nature.
2016-02-17 17:08:04 UTC
Wouldn't you be stupid for your country then? If most others speak more than 3 languages?
2016-02-17 21:14:13 UTC
I'm American and I speak 4 languages(5 if you count sign language). Whose more idiotic the people in question or the dumbass making assumptions about an entire country they most likely have very limited contact with?
2016-02-17 11:43:09 UTC
The question is lame as it assumes that there are stupid Americans. Everybody knows a little of this language and a little of that language. We don't sweat it.
2016-02-18 11:21:54 UTC
In a nutshell, it's because here in the states, you can travel all over the country and everyone speaks one common language, English. As to Europe, it's like what I read once, long ago- "Europe is so small you can't swing a cat without sending it through customs 20 times."
2016-02-15 19:21:49 UTC
Being stupid has nothing to do with it. Do you have the knowledge to build a space shuttle ? How about finding a way to cure cancer ? If you can't do either one of these, does that make you stupid ? No. No more than us not speaking other languages. Besides I have more important things to learn so I won't be stupid.
2016-02-18 23:47:38 UTC
I just see ignorance in your statement..I'm a bilingual American. Your judging us but when I traveled all around Europe people can barely speak English bravoo you Europeans are mostly the same..believe in the news when all they do is criticize our country but if it wasn't for us in WW2 who knows how the world and your precious country would be like today..We are far from perfect in this country but we are a nation full of so many ethnic backgrounds it is kind of a stupid thing to say and assume off or newspaper or whatever the hell you get your facts from wake up buddy.
Jim H
2016-02-22 14:10:21 UTC
Most stu[pid Americans speak one language. Many smart Americans speak several languages just for fun.
2016-02-16 03:18:38 UTC
Americans are not stupid. People, in general, are not stupid.

Think of all the great intellectuals, inventors and artists that America has contributed to the world.

Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, Abraham Lincoln, Edgar Allen Poe, Emerson, Thoreau, Thomas Edison, the Wright Brothers, JFK.

And the ones who came to America, attracted by its egalitarian and humanitarian spirit.

From Einstein to Pinker.

Many of whom were multilingual, not to mention geniuses.

Calling people "stupid" is what causes cultural misunderstanding, and by logical extension, world wars.

With all your linguistic getting, get some understanding. Otherwise, you will spend your entire life imagining that you are a superior sheet, having never grasped the essence of an ongoing problem that has cost billions of lives and frustrated the advance of humankind since Time Immemorial.

It is true, America is largely a monolingual nation. There are many possible explanations, but the principal one is probably cultural isolation. Folks generally develop polyglottal language skills as a result of cultural impetus, and necessity. Europe, for example, is a veritable stew of languages, so folks gifted with bilingual and trilingual skills are not unusual there. (Of course, European languages are relatively close in etymology, so once you know French, for example, Spanish and Italian are relatively easy to acquire.) Since Time Immemorial, folks have understood that a Lingua Franca (at one time French), was necessary to facilitate cross-cultural communication and mercantile activities. Americans are blessed, because the Lingua Franca of the world is increasingly English - largely, I suppose, because it is, although complicated, relatively simple, as world languages go. There is a running joke in the linguistic community. "Americans are very smart - they can speak three languages - English, English and English." It is a tired old meme, but there is great truth underlying the humor. "C'est la vie." :)
Linda R
2016-02-17 05:57:00 UTC
First of all, we are NOT stupid! Remember, all of the countries (within Europe) ALL speak different languages but America is only ONE country and NO other language is required.
2016-02-19 11:18:39 UTC
I'm an American, and I think Joe's comment is rubbish. He is extremely defensive, misinformed and ethnocentric. I feel sorry for him though, as I do anyone lost. Ignorance. It's not wrong to be proud of your birthplace or heritage. But definitely not cool to assume you are better than others because of it. The ironic poster of the question very likely intentionally wanted to drudge up such a response and subsequent debates. And all of us, including me, took the bait. Most people cannot see the forrest for the trees, myself included. This is one small manipulation. Massive wool is intentionally pulled over our eyes, and human psychology is used against all of us from bettering ourselves. Corporatism is a plague. Our power is in our thoughts, as everything in existence has had a conception first. There is much beauty and love, if you look for it. We can create more of that, if we don't allow fear to cripple us, and begin to take back our inherent abilities. <3 Seek Truth and Love <3
2016-02-18 21:12:16 UTC
Why do people that lack common sense have the nerve to call others stupid? Speaking three languages obviously doesn t make you any smarter darling. How about you put them to good use like making a change in the world instead of being hateful. Love yourself. I will pray for you.
2016-02-16 06:20:21 UTC
America only shares one boarder with a country that doesn't speak English and who gives a crap about them, while Europe is multi boarded, do you own a globe? take a look at it, Americans don't need multiple language's all though I agree we should probably know Spanish at least, so I can get my damn yard trimmed correctly. Sorry a yard is somewhere in which we grow grass and plant flowers and such looks nice too
2016-02-17 23:02:33 UTC
I am an American who speaks English and German, and I'm also interested in Japanese. A lot of Americans don't see the point of learning another language, and I think that's a shame. Learning another language gets you to think in different ways, and opens up communication with new people and cultures.

Also, No offense to other english speakers but linguists don't even think English is that great. English is a strong future tense language, it always uses future tense to talk about the future. German is a weak future language, so you can use present tense or future tense to talk about the future. The linguist Keith Chen showed that weak future tense languages improve time management skills.

Ich bin ein Amerikaner, wo Englisch und Deutsch sprechen und ich bin auch zu japanisch lernen interestieren. Zu viele Amerikaneren verstehen nicht die Punkte zu andere Sprache lernen, aber ich denke, dass dies eine Schande sein. Zu andere Sprache lernen fueren Sie zu in andere Wegen denken und es macht Kommunikation mit neue Leute und Kulturen moeglich.

Sowie, keine Grobheit zu andere Englischsprecheren, aber Sprachwissenschaftleren glaub nicht, dass Englisch also grossartig sein. Englisch benutz immer Futur zu die Zukunft uebersprechen. Deutsch ist zukunftlos, also Futur und Praesens koennen beide zu die Zukunft uebersprechen benutzen. Der Sprachwissenschaftler Keith Chen zeigt, dass zukunftlose Sprache Zeitmanagement-Kompetenz verbessern.
i am dog
2016-02-18 14:11:23 UTC
The stupid Americans who speak only one language probably do so for the same reason stupid Swedes only speak one language. They are stupid. Not everyone can be as smart as you or I. If we were all the same, what would anyone have to boast about?
2016-02-16 22:50:27 UTC
firstly because English is the worldwide accepted international language. so why bother learning other languages ? Besides A lot of Americans speak Spanish and there are tons of groups who love to study foreign languages stop being stereotypical ****
2016-02-17 02:45:13 UTC
They think that it not have a reason to study German or French, thier language is the famous one (not very use) all bussines proceses doing in English, all Education proces, all video movie, sound, text and other industry, other content in any others languages is not so big in front of English, so they do not want to know anythink else bacause they already can read by thier native language.
2016-02-19 16:12:45 UTC
I speak English, Spanish, Italian, Greek, French, and Latin.... But only because I was raised in a multicultural household but, even I'll admit that most americans can't speak more than english.
Iordache Catalin
2016-02-15 22:35:14 UTC
Well, english it's lingua franca and it's well knowed by a lot of people from the world, so they don't need to learn another language.

Probably depends also by educational system: in Europe it's a must to learn at least a foreign language in school, but in U.S., not.
2016-02-16 23:52:31 UTC
Laziness, xenophobia, and the result of a really "not fit for purpose" public educational system. Even quite clever Americans also only speak one language: they have much better uses for their time than language learning, plus a racist scorn for the Spanish of their servant class equal only to that of the 11th and 12th century Norman French for the English of their serfs, that of the Irish Protestant ascendancy for Gaelic, and that of each language group for that of the other in Canada and Belgium, As a British-American dual national, I got hooked on languages myself when as a six year old on holiday in North Wales in 1935 I was ashamed and embarrassed by my failure to understand an elderly monoglot Welshwoman in obvious deep distress (I think she was just lost and bewildered in her first ever visit to the big city of Llandudno). My reward has been, inter alia, to learn much about the failings of the New York Police Department from listening to two very drunk Puertorricans on a late-night subway car.
2016-02-22 13:41:09 UTC
Perhaps if you attended adult literacy classes, you might be able to complete an application form which doesn't go straight in the bin and leave that theme park!

Employers will assume that you lack intelligence if your literacy age is that of a 7 year old - no matter how many life skills you think you may have.

So try not to sneer too much at the value of education.
2016-02-16 11:08:39 UTC
It's not that Americans are too stupid to learn other languages, it's just that their continent is predominantly and almost entirely English; whereas European countries and such have numerous languages spread throughout their country(s).
2016-02-16 11:08:56 UTC
There are 300+ languages spoken in the United States.

However, the vast majority (80% or so) only speak English as this is the only language they NEED to go through life. Comparing that to your situation where you MUST learn other languages to get through life is a bit of an uneven comparison.
2016-02-20 12:54:13 UTC
50% of all Americans speak both English and Spanish.

Americans with German, Italian, Greek, etc. speak both English and the languages of thieir family origins.

Check your info before you speak.
2016-02-17 23:26:14 UTC
The same reasons as the Brits. Laziness and poor language teaching. English is perceived as a language understood all over the world. Not long ago a young Turkish Kurd who speaks Turkish, Kurdish and German asked my to give him English lessons because, 'You can use English anywhere.'
Jr Sanchez
2016-02-16 15:50:59 UTC
Not all Americans speak only one language, I speak four and all my other friends speak at least two.
2016-02-15 19:10:57 UTC
You can hope in to a car and visit any number of European countries where you can use those three languages as well. The average American could be driving after two days and still not hit a border.
2016-02-18 15:20:47 UTC
I m not saying everyone, but most Americans are too lazy to learn or languages or cultures. Your best bet is to speak in English
2016-02-16 14:59:05 UTC
It's not all Americans! I'm 16 and speak English, Spanish, and Italian fluent!
2016-02-15 23:26:55 UTC
There is nothing superior about learning languages. Learning a language you will never use seems stupid to me. However if enjoy learning languages, that's fine, it just does not make you superior because you chose to learn languages.
2016-02-17 16:56:09 UTC
Because they are so ignorant, they really don't know what to do with the name of their second language. I do American Sign Language as second language, but English is primary.
2016-02-16 12:56:25 UTC
I don't like your question. This question is just showing rudeness.

I hope you didn't write this question just for rudeness.

I Americans don't need to learn other languages, because English is lingua franca. But I think they can learn Spanish as a foreign language, It's useful when they travel to Latin America.
2016-02-17 06:27:40 UTC
What are you talking about? It's required in american schools to learn a second language. I'm american and I'm self-learning Japanese and school-learning spanish. I hope to learn Mandarin Chinese too. Plus we aren't "dumb", you are stereotyping people to much.

Plus we don't need a second language anyway, not when every other country in the world is learning English.
2016-02-17 14:34:54 UTC
Stupid Americans are doing well to speak one language. Those of us who are not stupid, however, often speak the languages we need to speak in our travels, our advanced studies, or our economic endeavors. Those of us who are intelligent prefer to speak the native language of the person to whom we are speaking; but I have noticed in my personal life that the intelligent people of other countries prefer to practice their English with me. I see no harm in letting them do so. If you speak three languages, my hat is off to you. That shows that your thoughts are no longer limited to what parochial Swedes who only speak Swedish are able to think and talk about. That does not guarantee that you are not a stupid Swede, but it does broaden the odds that you are trying to improve.
2016-02-17 14:49:51 UTC
Speaking one language does't mean someone is stupid.
Von Clendenen
2016-02-19 14:25:46 UTC
Why does it matter and why should we? It sounds like to me that we are actually the smarter ones than you because we didn't have to waste time and money learning other languages because everyone has to speak our language. That's the better way you're just jealous!
2016-02-16 13:07:36 UTC
Speaking only one language does not make you stupid. Speaking more than one language does not make you smart neither.
2016-02-16 16:07:33 UTC
English is a universal language almost. For most people there is no need to learn another language.
Sofia Clark
2016-02-18 21:41:32 UTC
A majority of students wouldn t take another language class simply because it s not necessary. English is such a simple language that it can be difficult for some to grasp the concept of another language.
2016-02-16 23:40:17 UTC
You act so high and mighty when realistically, Americans originated from the UK. Out Ethnic isn't American, we are mutts. Some of us have twenty ethnicities including Polish. Nobody is pure AmericaB.C. Therefore, you aren't insulting us since many of us ARE from your country. And a little FYI our education systems teaches us English, Spanish, French, German, And Chinese depending on the school.
2016-02-16 10:53:21 UTC
Why do stupid Europeans make such silly assumptions about Americans. Most of us do speak more than one language.
2016-02-20 13:15:50 UTC
I'm a stupid American and I'm so ashamed that I don't speak Swedish. I'm sure that it would be very useful in my everyday life and well worth the years it would take to learn it.
2016-02-17 16:27:39 UTC
Stupid Americans?

My Swedish friend, have you ever visited the alternative history where America didn't intervene in World War II?
2016-02-16 16:41:53 UTC
Because they aren't given the opportunity to.

Now, before criticizing me, I'm 13 and American...and I speak English, Italian, French, Russian, and Chinese. I'm now learning Korean.

Now stop being such a d*ck.
2016-02-17 03:18:24 UTC
Why would they speak more languages, everyone understands English ? Being fluent in foreign languages is just one of many skills human race had mastered, in my opinion being a good mathematician is just as much useful than understanding foreign languages...
Jimmy C
2016-02-17 12:59:44 UTC
Europeans learn the languages spoken in places within a radius of about a thousand miles. So do americans.
2016-02-17 10:24:55 UTC
Spanish is technically considered the official language in Southern California, Arizona, and South Texas. The number of fluent Spanish speakers are outnumbering the English speakers in the SW US. French was the official language in Louisiana and Vermont as they were French territories.
2016-02-17 22:17:46 UTC
I am an American and I know Spanish. I've taken it for years. I think however it is important to learn other languages
2016-02-17 01:05:43 UTC
They try to Americanize everybody to only speak English
Ramesh Poudel
2016-02-17 06:39:19 UTC
Language is just to being connection with they are not stupid as you can speak more language cant tell them stupid(cant insult them).if this is education so no one need to go class...
2016-02-17 19:30:16 UTC
Swedish is a useless language as it it only spoken in Sweden. German, pretty much the same thing spoken only in Germany, Austria and Switzerland . I am born American. I speak Swiss German,German,Dutch. a little French
2016-02-18 23:36:15 UTC
Baecuse english is an International language.
2016-02-16 20:22:18 UTC
You calling us stupid, we provide you with things your country can't do when people like you come here. Watch what you say. Some people aren't interested in learning multiple languages unless they are forced.
2016-02-18 18:27:38 UTC
I've met a lot of Swedish people who only spoke Swedish and I've met many Americans who spoke several languages. Perhaps your next goal in academics should be in common courtesy.
2016-02-16 17:02:48 UTC
the stupid ones dont even speak 1 language (and there are a lot of them)
2016-02-20 14:20:33 UTC
Because they're stupid. Smart Americans speak more than one. ;)
2016-02-18 04:09:28 UTC
Get off this American site you ******. Oh and to answer your question, us Americans don't bother learning another language because why do we need to? America is the best! I'm not leaving
2016-02-18 16:24:59 UTC
I'm American. I speak English and Spanish.
2016-02-15 19:24:56 UTC
They put more drama into their one language and think they are learning something.

Each word is worn (cliche) and has many innuendos.

English has the highest status and Americans keep a higher status by using only English.
2016-02-19 13:17:44 UTC
Good for you, knowing all these languages. They will certainly come in handy in the future. Learning other languages is also good for the brain. I live in Canada, and our official languages are English and French, so I am also learning French.

Though, if you compare the intelligence of people from single-language countries with the intelligence of people from multi-language countries, there is a correlation.
2016-02-17 10:58:45 UTC
Swedish and English are Germanic languages, so you really speak derivatives of the same language?
2016-02-16 20:35:35 UTC
If Americans are so stupid then why are you here speaking english
2016-02-19 07:28:07 UTC
Nonsense. Of the large number of multilingual Americans that I know, a few could be called stupid. However, the great majority of the Swedish people I have met are neither stupid nor rude.
2016-02-17 09:09:30 UTC
location has to do with it and well as necessity of having a conversation in that language plays a big part as well know French? o wait America doesn't have native speakers of that language sorry!
2016-02-16 09:18:16 UTC
because until you schithead minorities started pouring into my country we didn't need to speak another language. Now that you dikkheads are here and trying to take over the only thing we have left is our language. You've taken our jobs, you've taken our money cuz most of you don't work........ and you've taken away our sanity.

I'm mad as hell and I'm not taking it anymore. if you don't like it screw, leave, byebye,
2016-02-17 21:45:04 UTC
I'm American and I speak English, Spanish, and French
Smokies Hiker
2016-02-17 09:00:21 UTC
Well why don't you return to Sweden where you can speak all the Swedish, German and English you wish, without being around all the "stupid" people here in the USA! Good riddance I'd say! And further more, if I ever moved to another country, I'd surely learn the language of that country, the same way I expect immigrants who live in the US to learn English. Then I could consider myself as educated as you seem to be!
2016-02-18 16:14:38 UTC
I'm 13 male and know English, German, russian, japanese, and can recognize writing from over 10 language groups
2016-02-16 16:12:25 UTC
What is this judging people for not speaking more than one or two languages............who are you to judge?

People I last heard have choices or freedom of speech...............

Who sounds stupid is the one who looks at speaking in more languages as you do.......come off so narrow minded...............or playing the game of being so important and extra smart............again sorry you see so blindly. Find an important subject to debate.........that we care about.
2016-02-19 11:35:57 UTC
Because schools don't teach more than one language till middle school or high school and that's because students need its credits to graduate so there not teaching another language to kids
Dustin H
2016-02-18 11:34:52 UTC
By assuming that, ''Anyone who speaks fewer languages than you is stupid'' -- if most people speak more languages than you in Sweden, wouldn't that imply that you're the ''stupid'' one there?
2016-02-17 13:14:36 UTC
Kissim moy touchus, how 's that sukah?

Or "gie tren zich" ?

Only the stupid Americans do not know more than one language the rest of us know several, bose vieb.
2016-02-17 14:28:34 UTC
Because you HAVE to speak multiple languages in order to do business because there is so little business in your language. America is dominant. We don't need to speak other languages. But you do, in order to do business with us. Sucks to be you, doesn't it? Lol.
2016-02-17 03:40:13 UTC
Most of North America speaks English, (USA & Canada) so why would they bother with other languages except for interest or travel?
2016-02-15 19:43:03 UTC
the US is pretty big...... and we all speak English. There's no Swedish people to talk to. We can certainly study languages in the University - I took three of them, 4 if you count ancient English - but there's nobody to speak these with - and quickly they're forgotten.

So don't blame us if we're just so BIG and HANDSOME and RICH.
Live Love Laugh --- Die
2016-02-18 15:22:51 UTC
For us it's because we live in America and until our goverment screws things up more that's the only language we need.
Art G
2016-02-17 21:16:08 UTC
Cause English is the most universal language of all languages.
2016-02-18 12:31:14 UTC
There's no reason to learn other languages.
2016-02-16 12:27:44 UTC
Most american onlynspeak 1 language because of thw physical isolation from other countries.

Most Europeans forget most US STATES, their equivalent of provinces or shires, to use the British term are as large in area as most European countries.

My home state of Ohio, nowhere near the borders as such is twice the territory of Denmark.
2016-02-17 18:18:50 UTC
Stupid? Insulting us is not going to make us learn another language.
2016-02-22 07:30:31 UTC
Don t confuse intelligence (or lack thereof) with language skills. Business Insider ranks the US 28th in the world wrt intelligence (Sweden is ranked 35th). Further, according to Umeå University (you may have heard of it - it’s in Sweden), the U21 ranking of national higher education systems has named Sweden as the second best in the world (in their 2014 report) which includes 50 countries, the top country being the United States.
2016-02-17 04:32:24 UTC
because English is the main language in the world so why need to learn secondary language if almost everybody in world wants to speak the same as your native language.
2016-02-16 23:23:39 UTC
We aren't all stupid I learned German and Latin on my own and I speak some Spanish Italian and French
2016-02-17 22:23:03 UTC
Yea you ppl over there have such small countries one has to learn a couple besides there own.In America we have no need to.English is spoken everywhere in the world more then any other.So you come here you speak english.
2016-02-18 04:06:35 UTC
I don't take a language because I don't plan on leaving my country or going to college
2016-02-17 12:22:02 UTC
I speak two languages 'English & Spanish' and I'm American!
2016-02-17 15:42:29 UTC
I hope you are not counting on a lot of positive responses, here! I don't like to even take your "bait"!. But I speak French, Spanish, and Japanese (from a year of residence there)! My question is: Why are you so pubnatous?!!
2016-02-17 10:32:39 UTC
Many of them speak English and Spanish
2016-02-16 19:09:55 UTC
I don't think that's very fair to say. I am from America and fluent in English, Italian and Russian. It all depends on the person, not the country.
2016-02-17 06:06:00 UTC
Convenience. Why learn multiple languages if the whole world can learn one? It's called efficiency.
2016-02-16 19:26:28 UTC
Its painstakingly obvious:

We don't need to, we're the leaders of the free world.

People speak our language, including your small and pathetic country "friend".
2016-02-17 10:47:12 UTC
Hate to tell you, I speak French, some Spanish and German. I can read Spanish and German a lot better, so yes I am stupid
: )
2016-02-18 17:01:40 UTC
Well, at lease your question acknowledged that there are also smart Americans and they grew up speaking all other languages just as well. :)
2016-02-20 01:52:55 UTC
We are a huge country. There is little need for a multilingual skill set here. I'd agree, that does make us more provincial. But just by your post we can see that there are jerks in other countries also.
2016-02-18 01:24:23 UTC
Don't they also have Spanish? BTW, Americans aren't stupid they make good movies
2016-02-17 18:20:47 UTC
Americans have a narrow World view.
Amy Flower 💋
2016-02-15 19:09:36 UTC
Well, I guess I better move away from America because I can speak more than one language.
maggi r
2016-02-16 21:05:09 UTC
You, yourself, sound pretty stupid for generalizing Americans as stupid
2016-02-18 10:06:04 UTC
Because they dumbed down the schools here beginning in 1813 and in small increments have turned all of us global families against each other in a plot for world domination
2016-02-18 09:16:02 UTC
Because when you're on top you don't have to speak anyone else's dumb smorgy Borg language.
Doug Freyburger
2016-02-18 15:12:47 UTC
Arrogance that comes with power. Temporary power of course, but that's temporary on a historical time scale. It has lasted longer than any of use are alive.
2016-02-17 03:59:15 UTC
Because they don't need a second language
2016-02-17 13:10:50 UTC
i am american and i speak 3 languages english german and spanish
2016-02-16 17:51:44 UTC
2016-02-16 22:49:37 UTC
2016-02-18 08:42:24 UTC
Because they don't need to speak to someone in order to communicate. Their money and arrogance already speaks volumes.
2016-02-18 08:58:25 UTC
2016-02-16 14:20:12 UTC
Yea I never understood why some Europeans are so f--ing hateful. I'm American and growing up my mother spoke fluent Spanish, and never taught me, even though we lived in southern CA where everyone is a fckig Mexican. And my father spoke fluent German and Japanese. He also never taught me either language. Some people don't understand or don't value the fact knowing more then one language will give you a massive leg up in life. And as far as education goes, public education in America, you are basically there so your parents can go to work and make minimum wage down at Kmart. Why would our capitalist state go out of its way to teach lower and poorer class students other languages? That would cost a lot more money, and frankly our government doesn't give a **** about poor kids being well roundedly educated. If I had it my way I'd be in ******* Germany.
2016-02-18 17:37:39 UTC
So stupid people like you can't understand what we are saying about you in front of your face!
2016-02-17 09:29:41 UTC
Error! many Americans are multilingual, even stupid ones.
2016-02-17 17:30:59 UTC
I speak Greek
2016-02-18 13:56:33 UTC
It's imperialism and the "WE ARE THE BEST" attitude. It's very funny, especially when you consider recent statistics about the U.S. - in which the country is on a continuous slide downhill on all kinds of statistics and subjects. They're lazy here, they think the world will just cater to them forever.
2016-02-17 22:51:00 UTC
Because this is their language
2016-02-17 13:48:30 UTC
Unfortunately Americans are quite insular and unsophisticated. I wish I had been made to learn foreign languagues when I was in school, but they were optional.
2016-02-16 19:33:14 UTC
short answer; we dont need to.

america is huge and everyone here speaks english. europe is small in comparison and almost every country has their own language. in europe bi or tr-lingual is a necessity; this is not the case in america.
2016-02-19 04:56:03 UTC
Hey STUPID! Read your Bible! It explains why God made people different and gave them different countries and languages!
2016-02-16 00:13:51 UTC
2016-02-16 03:56:59 UTC
Why do russians hate Americans. Sorry... hate all other countries, but mostly Americans? They rescue you in WW2. Stop hating. Love and you will be loved back.
2016-02-18 21:10:25 UTC
Dear Sweden, it's February and I understand the extreme weather in your country when cause you such a depression and melancholy .
2016-02-17 21:24:57 UTC
You obiviously are quite impertinent. Many Americans are multilangual, so don't pingenhole anybody to anything.
2016-02-15 19:12:01 UTC
Because we hate other languages and cultures. 2030 Sweden becomes swedenstan.
2016-02-17 13:38:55 UTC
What other language matters as much?
2016-02-18 17:00:58 UTC
We're nonconformist! 🇺🇸
2016-02-17 09:17:19 UTC
cause 'murican values and Common Core education (which ensures any second language will fade in time.)
2016-02-16 19:27:41 UTC
English is spoken throughout the U.S. Those who want to learn another language do so..
2016-02-17 11:14:10 UTC
Narrow minded. American here, and I speak enush and Spanish.
great knight
2016-02-16 02:31:35 UTC
Why is Sweden being enslaved and overrun?!

Jesus Christ is the truth. Jesus loves you. Read Romans chapter 5 and 8 and 10. Read John chapter 1 and 3. Read Deuteronomy chapter 28. "Neither be ye called masters: for one is your Master, even Christ.

But he that is greatest among you shall be your servant.

And whosoever shall exalt himself shall be abased; and he that shall humble himself shall be exalted."- the Word of God. Believe in Jesus Christ! Study the Word of God. Get a king James bible and believe.
2016-02-18 10:21:24 UTC
Actually your language is pretty easy, even a muppet can do it. Throw a couple of "herdy "hers" in there an "Voila" .. i believe i just spoke 3 languages
2016-02-18 00:19:03 UTC
most Nationalities only speak their own Language especially if you never leave your own shores
2016-02-20 17:16:53 UTC
Why are stupid swedens being jerks to people on yahoo when they should be spending time with their friends?
2016-02-18 13:08:21 UTC
Why do you care stupid?

Boy 'd like to shoo people like you.
2016-02-18 14:44:49 UTC
Stupid Americans? you cant tar everyone with the same brush .. you get educated and non educated people all over the world.
2016-02-17 16:49:23 UTC
I speak german Spanish Russian Chinese japanese English and Arabic
2016-02-17 06:37:04 UTC
English is the only language that matters sod the rest
2016-02-19 08:05:32 UTC
The same reason as people in the UK they only need to speak English.
2016-02-16 14:08:08 UTC
not sure why that makes us stupid. uneducated perhaps, but not stupid. you should be proud that you are multilingual. not many people are. sadly here in the u.s. we have enough trouble just learning our own language.
2016-02-18 00:31:02 UTC
Hahaha I can't stop my laugh in short the right answer is in America all the people are American and they only speak english.................
2016-02-17 19:44:07 UTC
computer /web can do all the language work now. there is no need to learn multiple langues now.

english /spanish is king of all languages
2016-02-17 12:42:22 UTC
Well it was stupid Americans who invented the computer and internet you used to espouse your hate, the telephone, electricity, television, airplane, etc.
2016-02-18 00:33:51 UTC
Why should we when people from Sweden and other countries are so desperate for the dollars and our country life that you all take it on yourself to learn English....and kiss our $$$
2016-02-20 00:13:50 UTC
Perspective: "you driving 100 miles gets you into a dozen different countries. If I drive a hundred miles, I get a hundred miles from nowhere."
2016-02-17 20:35:33 UTC
You can go **** yourself :) that's coming from an american. You don't like it get out of our country
2016-02-20 18:29:19 UTC
I am American i speak Portuguese! and spanish
Don Verto
2016-02-16 07:02:08 UTC
What about all the stupid Swedes who do not know Arabic or any Syrian variety of it.
2016-02-18 06:28:16 UTC
So all Americans are " stupid " ? How about calling all Swedes " rude and arrogant " because of your statement ?
2016-02-17 14:11:39 UTC
And though I was willing to give people of Sweden the benefit of the you go reaffirming the stereotype that Swedish people are rude and obnoxious people. Good job you dolt. Here is probably a question you should really ask yourself...why doesn't the rest of the world learn Sweden language or better yet why do Sweden people have to learn more than just their own language and 3 or 4 more languages whatever you are required to learn in order to make it in the world today. Most likely it's because Sweden isn't relevant compare to the USA or other countries that really go out to the world to do business.
2016-02-17 18:51:50 UTC
We ant stupid😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡
2016-02-17 15:36:16 UTC
Stupid are we.Put your pacifier back in your mouth and toddle home for diaper change.
2016-02-18 22:04:13 UTC
half are lazy, the other half are actually like you. such as me, I can speak english, japanese, and french aswell. I appreciate you calling us Americans "stupid."
2016-02-19 10:31:43 UTC
If we're so stupid, why must you use our websites? Can't you make one your own?
2016-02-16 08:39:24 UTC
dont have to stroke our egos by stating we speak multiple languages By Gollie..Ya Das wright
Sweetdaddy Rex
2016-02-16 08:13:32 UTC
I speak English, Spanish, & Chinese ! Rex in Texas !
Dream Boy Abhi
2016-02-17 04:04:38 UTC
Not only Americans, I belong from India, and here, most people only prefer their mother language. English is like programming language to them.

Please answer my question
2016-02-16 23:40:38 UTC
Cause we're idiots
2016-02-17 06:05:07 UTC
It is very rude to say someone is stupid as you do not know what other knowledge they have.
2016-02-17 12:06:25 UTC
our schools sometimes don't let us learn other languages, it's not really our fault
2016-02-17 09:45:14 UTC
one language is good enough
2016-02-19 08:03:47 UTC
Monoglots abound.
2016-02-16 07:34:54 UTC
I'm sure everyone is like me and imagining them saying "Stoopede Amedekins HAHAHAHA"
2016-02-18 07:01:21 UTC
IT's because Americans are so stupid and you shouldn't lower yourself to live in such a stupid country, so will you please go back to where ever you came from? Please.
2016-02-18 16:35:08 UTC
because they don't need any other language.
2016-02-18 05:30:48 UTC
The answer is in the question, because they're stupid
2016-02-17 07:32:42 UTC
Because we don't need to. We rule you. Lol
2016-02-16 05:06:27 UTC
Desert Rogue
2016-02-17 05:45:25 UTC
Because we don't have to
2016-02-16 07:25:36 UTC
Because English RULES!!!!


*Puts on shades*
2016-02-20 00:13:07 UTC
why are you asking a stupid question?
2016-02-17 10:14:07 UTC
Is it stupidity or laziness, I wonder?
2016-02-17 20:38:52 UTC
i know swedish, polish and a few more languages..
2016-02-16 21:46:33 UTC
They don't all
2016-02-16 22:10:13 UTC
seems you are very disrespectful as well calling americians stupid..thats not very nice
2016-02-17 18:10:51 UTC
Because of the third word in your question?
2016-02-17 20:49:39 UTC
manu ke pata
2016-02-17 02:59:29 UTC
Because English (OUR language) DOMINATES THE WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2016-02-18 04:39:18 UTC
2016-02-15 23:51:28 UTC
This is obviously a troll...and you know what they say about trolls:

2016-02-20 01:24:37 UTC
because they focus all the time on Insulting Muslims.
2016-02-18 09:06:24 UTC
we re not all stupid, but yes, some of us are.
2016-02-18 08:55:06 UTC
Sucks to be you, Sven.
2016-02-18 01:36:31 UTC
You must from other countries!!!
2016-02-19 09:51:00 UTC
2016-02-17 02:29:15 UTC
Why should we learn more than one. ..
2016-02-17 17:06:37 UTC
No just no your an idiot my friend
2016-02-18 08:32:22 UTC
because they lazy and busy having sex
Police Cop
2016-02-17 04:04:19 UTC
no need. you learn our language, biatch!
2016-02-17 13:18:03 UTC
2016-02-16 21:31:16 UTC
Not at all.
2016-02-17 12:05:45 UTC
... Well, different countries have different viewpoints.
2016-02-19 09:01:12 UTC
2016-02-16 18:21:32 UTC
we dont need to
2016-02-19 22:34:26 UTC
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
2016-02-19 06:54:05 UTC

Please translate it without machine?

"Ich liebe dich?"
2016-02-18 20:44:46 UTC
2016-02-17 19:18:29 UTC
2016-02-17 20:05:52 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.