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Any time something crazy happens, I somehow seem to be involved... Like the Ministry School/Service Meeting two weeks ago: I had forgotten to bring my song book--that was the first strike x_x. I then went about setting up the sound system like normal, testing 1 2 3 ect., when I realized that one mike box was dead, e.i, not transmitting to the mike. So I grab some other brothers, and we are all scrambling to get it fixed (cus there was only like 10 minutes till meeting time! O_O ). We are having no success with getting the wireless mike fixed, and so we get the idea, "Hey! We still have the wires and the wall plug ins, so why not just use a wired mike like we used to?" Brilliant! So I run up to the back room and grab an old mike and drag all the wires out, plug it into the socket didn't work? huh? BUT ITS PLUGGED STRAIGHT INTO THE WALL AND ITS A COMPLETELY DIFFERENT MIKE! ARGH! So all night long the two aisle attendants (me being one), had to stand right next to each other in the very back, passing one mike back and forth. :( It also didn't make me feel much better when, near the end of the meeting, another brothers just randomly pulled one wire out the mike box, put it back in and it somehow fixed it! When we did the exact same thing it didn't work for us! Argh! T_T Or I could mention the time that the speaker accidentally called out the wrong song for the end of the meeting (he called out the song that we had already played at the beginning), and I actually started playing what he called out cus I wasn't paying attention x_x. Everyone in the audience was kinda like, "*mumble mumble pretend to sing* *looks around oddly*." And I was like, "Why is nobody singing the song??" Then a servant comes running back to whispering, "Wrong song! Wrong song!" And I had to cut the music completely off, wait for the speaker to go back up on the stage and announce a whole different song T__T. Needless to say I was slightly embarrassed after... Or I could mention the time that I accidentally stopped the song a full refrain short of the end! x_x And then when everyone tried to start singing without the music, I tried to time it and start the song completely over and just let it go for one refrain, but that only messed people up worse! T__T. Needless to say, I was slightly embarrassed after... Or i could mention the time that I forgot to adjust the mike for the speaker, and it was a full foot over his head! Or the time I tripped on the mike cord in the middle of the isle, or the times that I've forgotten that I had the mike when the speaker asked a question and he had to yell at me to get my attention, know what, I'm just gonna stop now before I make myself sad again...