2009-03-04 02:38:04 UTC
Does it flow enough?
Any tips are welcome!!
Dear Sir/Dear Madame,
Herewith I would like to express my interest in taking part to the XXX programme.
My name is XXX and I graduated in Education Sciences two years ago.
Before and after my degree, I spent quite a long time in India working with NGO’s mainly involved in educational development projects.
In the future, I would like to work within socio-educational sector, related to learning disabilities, children at risk and social marginalization.
As part of my plan, I am taking two on-line short scheme modules with the XXX, member of the University of XXX. Even if the University has a strong focus on African and Oriental regions, the courses I am attending - XXX -have a rather wide focus. I decided to attend them in order to give more technical and management skills to my pedagogical studies.
I believe, indeed, that such skills can play a crucial role in order to reach effective outputs within the social sector.
Ideally, I would like to take a Master Degree related to socio-educational area, possibly in the USA where there is a very strong and flourishing educational and social practice research.
Notwithstanding, at the moment I would rather have this experience with XXX in order to explore more in depth the socio-educational context in order to understand which particular sector/s I could better suit in the future.
Doing so, it would be easier to me to make up my mind and eventually select the Master Degree or even PhD more appropriate/respondent to my interests.
Moreover, to be part of this programme would give me not only the chance to have an authentic job experience within the context I studied for, but also to share my daily experiences, feelings and doubts with the American coworkers probably more experienced than me in this field.
Indeed, I believe that a good team work, particularly in such contexts, can positively affect the outputs of the job.
I have never been to the XXX so far but I am very excited about living there for 12-18 months or even longer. Moreover, through my stays abroad I developed a very good ability at adapt and communicate in multicultural environments and I am therefore looking forward to be part of it.
I would like to thank you in advance for considering my application and I am looking forward to your response.
I look forward your help!!
Thanks a lot!