2007-04-11 12:29:38 UTC
Returning to my question: I'm an Italian student from Milan. I
'm looking for a native English-speaker who helps me to learn english: I' ve got a msn address,, so you can contact me.
P.S. : (It will be much better if you also need to learn italian, I would help you of course!)
P.S 2: Please reply! (This question is the only reason for which I activated this account, so probably you won't hear from me again after you'll answer to me!)
Spero di ricevere presto risposte ... tanto non è un' ora strana negli USA ... a Seattle sono le 12:30 e a Boston le 15:30 (immagino che tutte le città che ci sono i mezzo abbiano chi più chi meno lo stesso orario, tanto gli USA hanno "four time zones" quattro fusi orari!)
I have written the last paragraph in italian, as you can see, but I did it only because I like to write in my own language: I just have written that in the USA it's afternoon (in Italy it's 8:30 pm)!